Page 15 of Innocent Intent

The assumption lingered as a reminder of her connections.

“I do.”

“Great. I’ll see you soon.”

“See you soon, Detective.”


Davis felt Cassidy the minute she entered the bullpen, and he discreetly watched her from his desk, listening as she interacted with his colleagues.

“Cass, hey. How you holding up? I’ve been meaning to check in on you.”

No, you need to stay as far away from her and this case as humanly possible.

“As well as can be expected given the circumstances.” Her tentative expression was noticeable as her eyes moved around the precinct. She briefly caught a familiar pair of deep brown orbs watching her.

“Yeah, I get that. What are you doing here?”

Davis’s gaze shifted from Cassidy to Harper as he stood from his chair. She smiled softly at Harper and accepted the hug he offered.

“Davis called and asked me to come in.”

“You being questioned?” Davis’s eyes shifted to Harper, who grimaced and leaned in closer to Cassidy.

“Apparently so.”

“You want me to sit in with you? Just so you know you have a familiar face in there?”

“I’m sorry, but that won’t be possible.” Davis stepped up beside Harper and slipped his hands into the pockets of his slacks.

“It’s not your call, Davis,” Harper gritted, narrowing his eyes.

“Unless you’re sitting in as Ms. Evans’s legal representation, it is my call.”

Davis kept his eyes on Cassidy, taking in her reaction to the interaction between him and his colleague. She didn’t seem moved one way or another.

“I’m not her lawyer, but I am a detective here with more tenure—”

“A tenured detective that was removed from the case.” Davis stepped forward and extended a hand, motioning for Cassidy to follow him, ignoring the heated stare from Harper. “This way, Ms. Evans.”

“Arrogant muthafucker,” Harper hissed as the two of them moved past him. Davis only smirked, shaking his head. Once he and Cassidy entered one of the more comfortable interrogation rooms that subbed as a conference space, he stood by the door, waiting for her to sit.

“Can I get you anything before we get started?”

“No, I’m fine, thank you.”

He tilted his head in acknowledgment before slowly closing the door and then taking a seat across from Cassidy. She was the first to speak.

“You and Greg don’t get along, I take it.”

“I wouldn’t say that.”

“It certainly appears that way. Your exchange wasn’t exactly friendly.”

Davis offered the slightest hint of a smile. She was analyzing his relationship with his colleague to understand better who he was.

“Me denying him access to me questioning you isn’t a reflection of how I feel about the guy personally. More so protecting the integrity of my investigation. One that has already been compromised because of unprincipled decisions made by Harper.”