“What’s so funny?”
“Spencer’s gonna love this. He totally called it that first night at the club after Dad’s award ceremony. He totally said he thought you had a thing for Caleb.”
“Well, Spencer was ahead of me, ‘cause I had no clue.”
“My boy is pretty smart. How did Robert take it?”
“Not well. But we’re hoping he’ll come around to the idea. We just told him last night.”
“Yeah, after he thinks it over, I’m sure he’ll realize Caleb couldn’t find a better man.”
I appreciated my brother saying that, but I wasn’t as sure as he was that Robert was going to see things that way.
“I’m going to go over and talk to him this morning. I don’t want to let things fester between us, and I’m sure there were things we both wanted to say but didn’t because we didn’t want to hurt Caleb.”
“Y’all will figure things out. I’m sure. But in the meantime, it seems to me it’s time for me and Spence to come pay you a visit. I haven’t seen Caleb since we were kids.”
Even though I hadn’t realized it when I’d called, as soon as he said that, I knew that was what I was hoping for. Caleb needed to spend time with other boys. He and Spencer had a lot in common so that would be perfect.
“That would be great, Nash. I think Caleb would enjoy that. He works at the library, and they’re having their book sale this weekend, so how about next weekend? Does that work for y’all?”
“I’ll have to double-check with Spencer, but I’m sure it will.”
“Sounds great. I’ll plan on seeing you then unless I hear otherwise.”
After I hung up the phone, I decided not to wait to go and talk to Robert. I snatched up my keys, got in my car, and headed straight to Robert’s house. I’d meant what I said to Nash about not letting things fester, and we had a shift together later in the week, so I really wanted to clear the air between us before then.
I knocked on the door and waited. It took long enough for me to consider walking around and checking to see if he was in his workshop, but before I did that, the door opened, and a less-than-welcoming Robert stood there glaring at me.
“What do you want?”
His icy greeting just reaffirmed my decision to come over here.
“I figured we both had some things we needed to say, so I came over here to talk to you.”
“I think that’s a wonderful idea.” A woman’s voice said from behind him. Robert turned, giving me a clear view of Del standing in the hallway in a robe.
“Morning, Del.”
She smiled and gave me a little nod. “Morning, Keith. We were about to have breakfast. Would you like to join us?”
“No, thank you, I’ve already eaten. But I didn’t mean to interrupt your morning. Sorry about that.” I was so used to just popping in at Robert’s house at any time of the day or night, it didn’t even occur to me that he might have company. I guess we would both have adjustments to make.
“No worries. Our food will keep. You two definitely need to talk. I need to get dressed anyway, so I’ll leave y’all to it.”
We both just stood there looking at each other for a minute, but then he shook his head and let out a heavy sigh. “Let’s go out back.”
I followed him through the house, out the door, into the backyard, and sat down in one of the chairs he’d built.
“Look, Robert. I know you’re mad—”
“Mad.” He scoffed. “I’m not mad. Mad is what you get when your team gets cheated out of a win, or your friend forgets to water your plants while you’re on vacation. Mad doesn’t begin to explain the way it feels when your best friend fucks your son.”
“Stop it right there. I came over here so we could talk, but I won’t sit here and listen while you try to turn what Caleb and I have into something torrid and ugly.”
“Isn’t it? Come on, Keith, I know you, and I know how you are with the people you hook up with. So are you trying to tell me this is different?”
“Yes, I am. I didn’t mean for this to happen, Robert. I saw him at the club the night my dad received his award. Clubs aren’t his thing, and he was there looking so out of place and lost. I couldn’t leave him there like that—”