Paris exploded. "By God, you drive a hard bargain. Go on, then," he acquiesced, "have it your way."
The formal exchange of vows by the extremely youthful pair was dwarfed by the all-important signing, witnessing and exchanging of the documents. Pride spurred John Gordon to quit Cockburnspath the moment the business was concluded. Only then did Paris crack open a bottle to toast the newlyweds. He raised his glass to the couple. "May fortune attend you."
Adam answered formally, "Thank you, milord."
"Call me Paris."
Adam bowed. "I am honored."
Alexandria sipped her wine in a dreamy state of euphoria. Paris put his finger under her chin. "Since I don't have the managing of you any longer, perhaps it will be possible for us to become true friends. I do love you, you little imp of Satan."
"I never doubted it for a moment," she replied saucily.
"I think you should turn the Black Tower rooms into your own private suite of rooms." Then he spoke to Adam. "You will need privacy from the family."
"You are being very kind, milord, considering the bad blood there has been between our clans."
Paris grinned. "You are about to receive your punishment."
Adam blanched momentarily, until Alexandria laughed. "He means, the family is about to descend upon you. Our reputation isn't undeserved, you know."
"I feel a fool." He smiled.
"Self-awareness is a priceless gift," she teased. He pulled her hair and kissed her.
Paris turned to Bothwell. "Let us escape to the barracks before the family descends enmasse."
Long after the evening's celebrations made most everyone seek their beds, Paris found Alexander looking a trifle lost. "If you still want to go to the university, I'll make the arrangements for you, Alex, old man."
"By God, do you mean it? I'll go and pack right now."
"We'll go one day next week. I'd seriously consider studying for the law. You'd be invaluable to the family. We are always in one legal scrape or another!" He smiled at the boy and patted his shoulder.
Tabrizia opened her eyes as Paris got into bed.
"I didn't mean to disturb you, love," he murmured.
She knelt upon the bed and reached her arms up to him. "Oh; my love," she breathed, "it's been quite a day."
"Will you always welcome me thus?" he begged huskily.
"Need you ask?" she responded, delighting in his familiar scent of lingering sandalwood.
"I ask because I swear, if your warmth and richness were denied me, I would perish."
"Paris, I want to thank you for letting Alexandria marry Adam. I know what it cost you to form an alliance with the Gordons. In my heart of hearts, I know you have done the right thing. The peace bond stills so many of my fears, not so much for myself but for my child."
He slipped one arm. under her shoulders and placed the other hand on her belly, resting it there. "You seem so small, compared with Venetia."
"Venetia is due any minute, darling. I have until November."
"I thank God you are feeling well."
"That's because I lead a completely normal life. I even ride every day— no pony carts for me, thank you!"
He pulled her to him possessively. "Just be careful, that's all." His lips brushed her forehead where the tiny tendrils curled at her temples. "You will be happy to know I just told Alex he could go the damned university."
She wound loving arms around his neck. "There are times when you are almost bearable," she whispered against his throat.