The smile disappeared from Paris's face. "We don't discuss my sisters in a tavern, their merits in bed, or otherwise."
Douglas McDonald asked quickly, "Have you seen anything of Mary Fleming lately?"
Paris drawled, "All there is to see!" his good humor returning.
"Speaking of weddings, have you heard old moneybags Abrahams, the goldsmith with that mansion on Princes Street, is to wed a week Saturday?" asked Lennox.
"Maxwell Abrahams, the usurer?" asked Paris. "You must be mistaken— he's an old queer."
"Used to buy the King's favorite boys when he was finished with them, didn't he?" Logan laughed.
"Word of honor. The wedding's in the chapel at Holyrood Palace next Saturday. I have my invitation to the reception afterward," said Lennox, laughing. "The old bastard's had so much of my gold for mortgages that I might as well get a free feed off him."
"I've never done business with him. Never had to, thank. God. Why is the old faggot marrying?" asked Paris, not really interested.
"Ah, therein lies a tale." Lennox leered. "It seems there is a new cure being touted for the French pox— a virgin!"
"A virgin?" asked McDonald curiously.
"Guaranteed cure. They say virgin's blood will clear up the syphilis in a month. And the old swine's rotten with it."
Logan laughed. "Where the hell did he find a virgin in Edinburgh?"
"Apparently, when you are that rich, all things are possible. The young girl is supposed to be from a very fine family, but I heard a whisper he bought her out of an orphanage."
The blood drained from Paris's face, and he went cold. He knew! He didn't know how, but surely as he was sitting at that table, he knew who the bride would be. "I'll accompany you to that wedding, Lennox," offered Paris, recovering himself quickly. "Might even bring one of my sisters." He winked.
Rogue Cockburn's suspicions had been right on target. Maxwell Abrahams was one of the most corrupt men in Edinburgh, but it would have taken a most discerning-eye to know that by his appearance. He was a small man of perhaps fifty years. Two- things about him were actually most attractive. His voice was pleasant and low, lacking the harsh Scots accent, and his hands were beautiful and expressive, albeit too white and soft for a man's. He almost always wore black, which emphasized the paleness of his skin.
He had summoned Mrs. Graham from the Edinburgh orphanage to his elegant home, as he did two or three times a year, so she could collect his charitable donation to the orphanage. What he always got in return for his one-hundred-pound donation was a boy of perhaps ten or twelve years.
"My dear Mrs. Graham, I am delighted to see you again. Allow me to offer you a glass of sherry, or do you prefer malt whisky? Ah, yes, I thought you might." -
Mrs, Graham noted his pallor and could plainly see the deterioration in the man. She kept her eyes lowered because she knew he would be shrewd enough to read her thoughts.
He sat down behind his desk and ran his beautiful hands over a small cash box. "My dear Mrs. Graham, this time I had something a little different in mind."
She was instantly alert. This man was her only hope for a comfortable retirement. She sipped her whisky and waited for him to continue.
"This time I have decided to take a girl instead." He smiled almost kindly. "She would have to be young, clean, biddable. Can you fill my order, Mrs. Graham?"
She shook her head emphatically. "Impossible, sir." The moment he had asked for a female, a picture of beautiful Tabby Lamont sprang into her vision; but it was going to cost him more than a hundred pounds. "I do have one female in my care the right age, but she is such a beautiful young virgin, I am presently negotiating a bride price with a certain nobleman," she improvised quickly.
"My dear Mrs. Graham, I will double whatever he offers."
She shook her head firmly again, seemingly appalled at his suggestion. "I wouldn't dare, sir. If this girl were not decently married, there would be trouble from certain high places. We, of course, are not supposed to know their parentage, but in her case, I have my suspicions. No, sir, it will have to be marriage or nothing I'm afraid."
"That is out of the question, Mrs. Graham." He smiled.
She took a deep breath and plunged in. "Mr. Abrahams, I am taking a great liberty, I know, but if you would heed my humble advice, a wife could be a most desirable asset to you socially. It would put an end to undesirable gossip, and I might add, this particular bride would connect you with a powerful Earl of the Realm. But, I have said too much. Let us forget the whole business!'
"My dear Mrs. Graham, I see no harm in taking a look at the young lady. Shall we say tomorrow at two? I'll drop by your worthy establishment:"
Tabby knew something eventful would happen that day, when Mrs, Graham singled her out for attention. At dawn, instead of dragging out the large iron pots for the porridge making, she was told to bathe and wash her hair. Mrs. Graham gave her a pristine white smock, with lace collar and cuffs, to wear, and brushed the silken mass of auburn curls about her shoulders. Mrs. Graham knew better than most that innocence was erotic to men.
Tabby tried to keep her excitement under control. After Lord Cockburn's visit, she had-waited for him to return month after month. When it finally dawned on her that he was not coming back, her defenses stiffened to protect herself from vulnerability. She swore an oath to herself that one day she would settle the score with him. How cruel to raise up someone's hopes, then dash them down so thoughtlessly. Well, she was a child no longer. She was almost seventeen, and the thought of revenge warmed her heart. When Mrs. Graham led her into her sitting room and she came face-to-face with Maxwell Abrahams, she was taken completely off her guard. "Oh, I thought you were Lord Cockburn."
Mrs. Graham's eyes darted to Maxwell Abrahams, and she saw that he had caught the significance of the child's remark: