Page 20 of Wild Hearts

"Is she really so ignorant, or is it just an act?" exclaimed Shannon.

Alexandria spoke up in her defense. "She really is that ignorant; she knows no tricks whatever."

Damascus was making tiny curls to frame Tabby's face with a hot iron she took from the fire.

"Oh, her hair is so easy to curl, much nicer than yours, Shannon."

"Well, then, let me abase myself before this paragon we have in our midst," mocked Shannon before she immediately belied her words with her generosity. "Go on, you may as well have the new riding gloves to go with it."

On impulse, Tabby leaned forward and kissed Shannon's cheek. Embarrassed, Shannon gave her a little push and said, "Don't be soft," but the gesture had sealed their friendship.

"You look beautiful," whispered Alexandria.

"For God's sake, hurry," urged Venetia. "If he pulls that damned whip out and starts cracking it with impatience, all our efforts will go for naught."

Tabby assumed the girls wanted her to look her best so she could beguile Paris into returning her to Edinburgh. The thought couldn't have been further from any of their minds. They had decided she was the perfect mistress for their brother. Paris in love would make life more pleasant for them, and matchmaking was such a delightful amusement.

Paris's reasons for the ride were threefold. First, he wanted to see if he could ride about openly with Tabby and pass her off as one of his sisters; second, he needed to scout a plausible location where the prisoner and the gold could ostensibly be exchanged; and thirdly he desired the sweet pleasure of seduction.

As she emerged into the sunshine, she saw him coming across from the stables to collect her. He smiled his approval at the way she looked. She took a deep breath and placed her hand upon his sleeve. "Please, milord, I must speak with you."

"You appeal so prettily, how could I refuse?" He smiled.

She chose her words carefully, hoping to tap into his pity and pull his heartstrings. I was in that orphanage so many years, I became quite hopeless. Then Mr. Abrahams made it possible for me to leave. You must see I cannot repay him with treachery. I die of shame every time I think of the ransom you will demand from him. I implore you, Lord Cockburn— Paris— please return me to Edinburgh and forget about the money."

"You were in that dreadful place so long, sweetheart, I don't know how you bore it. More than anything in the world, I want you to enjoy today. If you will put all your past behind you and live for the moment, I promise you I will reconsider my plans for you."

A great weight was lifted from her shoulders. He had softened toward her and was going to do the decent thing and let her return. Somehow she would see that no charges were laid against him for the impulsive act he had committed. "Thank you, milord. You must know how grateful I am." She sighed with relief.

He took her hand and led her into the stable. His horse stood ready for him, and the mare she had practiced on every day had been saddled for her. He lifted a bridle, covered in tiny bells, from the wall. "This should give you pleasure. They tinkle delightfully. They were made especially for a lady."

She smiled her delight and allowed him to lift her into the saddle. As his hands easily spanned her tiny waist, she realized all the discomfort of the little corset was worthwhile, even though it took her breath away. Actually, she was not absolutely sure it was the corset! She was vain enough to want him to find her attractive, and as his hands lingered at her waist, she knew beyond a doubt that her wish had been granted.

They rode down the coast through the small towns that led to the English border. He watched her carefully as she rode with pride. To Tabby it seemed his eyes never left her, and she bloomed beneath his approving regard.

Actually, his attention was divided, although he concealed this well. He suspected that they were being followed. In Burnmouth, the fourth town they -passed through, he noticed a man on horseback who had been in Coldingham, a few miles back. Although he was used to keeping his thoughts to himself, he spoke lightly to his companion. "You have a good seat," he told her as seriously as he could manage.

She blushed as she realized it was another double entendre that was sprinkled throughout the speech of all the Cockburns.

"We should enjoy today. There are so few days when we are bathed in sunshine like this. See how the North Sea actually looks calm now?"

At last, just North of Berwick-on-Tweed, she saw what he wanted her to see. Called Brotherston's Hole, it was an arch cut into the sandstone by the pounding waves. It had a stack on top and was a most curious freak of nature. They were atop eighty-foot cliffs of red sandstone. The North Sea spurted up through blowholes, thirty feet into the air, sending a shower of spray all over them.

As she laughed up at him, she had the sensation that they were the only two people in the world. Excitement ran along her veins, and she knew she wanted him to kiss her. It was wicked of her, but just for today she wanted to forget the kindly husband waiting in Edinburgh. She would dutifully go to him tomorrow and be a devoted wife, but today she wanted to play this dangerous game.

In the dampness of the spray, her hair sprang into tiny tendrils, curling wildly about her face. He reached down to lift a tress and rub its silken texture between thumb and forefinger. He whispered, "In truth, I am your prisoner, held captive by your beauty."

Her heart hammered wildly beneath her breasts as he lowered his head to hers. But at that moment the tail of his eye was caught by a movement behind an outcropping of rock some distance off. He was definitely being. followed! When he stopped short of claiming her lips, relief swept over her. His gaze shifted out to sea and he said, "'Tis lovely now, but the weather can change almost overnight. Shortly, the autumn gales will shoot this water ninety feet into the air."

"I've never seen anything like it. To think for centuries the sea has been slowly pounding the cliffs to sand," she said, regaining some small measure of composure.

"The sea can be all things to all men," he said slowly as the seeds of a plan began to form. "I have a ship. I would love to take you sailing. Would you come with me?" he challenged.

She didn't take his words seriously; it was just part of the game they played today that the future was theirs. She mused, "My mother must have crossed from France. She must have been very brave."

"And very beautiful," he said quietly, taking her fingers and brushing his lips over them. "There's a small inn I know you will enjoy if we ride inland from here. We can stay for lunch."

She was glad for the chance to rest. He dismounted quickly and came toward her. As he lifted her, she put her hands on his shoulders and felt his muscles flex; and she blushed uncontrollably as he swung her with ease to the ground beside him.