Tabby had just taken a mouthful of water, which sprayed everywhere as she burst out laughing, totally embarrassing herself.
"She blushes!" Alex was enraptured.
"You say such outrageous things," she said to Alexandria, who looked inordinately pleased at the compliment.
"It's such fun. I'll teach you how. Every time one of my sweet siblings says something, I will interpret what they really mean," she promised. Later in the meal, when Alex arose to offer her some honey wine, Troy tripped him and laughed uproariously. Alex turned cold eyes upon his brother. "Isn't it time you worked off some of that vulgar energy in other ways?"
Alexandria whispered, "He means, isn't it time he visited his whore?'
Paris looked down the table. "Alexandria, your whispers carry amazingly well. I am gratified that you have undertaken to complete our guest's education."
"Interpretation?" whispered Tabby.
Alexandria murmured, very low this time, "I'm still being punished because Mother died when she gave birth to us twins."
Tabby looked at the small face crowded with freckles, and felt a bond with her.
After supper, the girls included her in their evening's activities as a matter of course. It felt wonderful to be included in the gossip and laughter and their endless talk of young suitors. She was developing such a fondness for them all, especially Alexandria, who seemed like a true blood sister. She felt happy until she thought of Paris. Why did he have to keep her his prisoner? Why did her friendship with these Cockburns have to be ruined by his wickedness?
Tabby was climbing to Paris's chamber, which in turn led to her own, when he came up behind her. Panic at his closeness made her heart beat wildly. He followed her to her chamber door and pushed it open for her. A-startling transformation had taken place. There was a beautiful woven carpet on the floor where the rushes had been, and the bed had a coverlet made of snow-fox fur. The lamps contained a scented oil whose perfume drifted on the air. The bedside table contained a crystal goblet and wine decanter, and beside them was a set of silver-backed brushes. and combs. Glancing around, a mistrust of his motives rose up in her. She felt her limbs begin to tremble and knew she would be a fool to let- him see her fear. Better by far to show him anger.
He bowed to usher her in, murmuring, "My lady's chamber."
"My prison, you mean," she angrily retorted.
"I thought I had anticipated your every comfort. What, pray, is missing?"
She thought frantically what she could say to hurt him, to belittle the comforts he had provided.
"In Edinburgh I had my own bathtub," she said grandly and, trying to think quickly for some thing else that was missing, said, "And... and I had a little hand mirror that amused me greatly."
He mockingly bowed himself out. "Little bitch," he said between his teeth, and she flushed scarlet.
Mrs. Hall; who was waiting to see her to bed, heard this endearment and exclaimed, "Och, I can hear ye've got him eating out of yer hand!"
"Oh, Mrs. Hall, he is a beast. It amuses him to see my fear. He's like a hunter circling his prey, and I am so helpless. I hope you can bear it here. I am sincerely sorry you are in this predicament because of me."
"Whist, lassie, 'tis a wonderful place to be., I only have your things to look to and that's not work, that's pleasure. The food here is so plentiful, the table fair groans when they serve it up. The servants' gossip is a treat for the ears. I've had my orders from his lordship himself. I am not to let on who you are, even to the other servants. You are supposed to be one of his sisters' friends from Edinburgh."
"Edinburgh;" Tabby recalled with a shudder. "My God, I cannot bear to think of the havoc that has been wreaked on my poor husband. He must-be mad with worry, and when he receives word that he must pay twenty thousand in gold for ransom, he will be ready to kill. Me, most likely. What a wretched way to repay the honor he did me. Mrs. Hall, I must find a way to escape and get back to Mr. Abrahams, so that he isn't forced to pay that ransom. You must help me if you can, and I will try to persuade the twins to help me. Alexandria is my friend, and Alex seems such a lovely boy, I feel he will do what is right."
'Into bed wi' ye. Perhaps the opportunity will present itself in the next few days."
She was just drifting off to sleep when Alexandria burst into her bedchamber. "Quick, Tab, lend me those riding britches you were wearing today. We're going on a raid— well, not really a raid, more a foray to pilfer a few things. Paris said Alexander was to go because there won't be much danger, only he has no stomach for it, and I'm going in his place."
"Oh, you cannot," said Tabby in alarm.
"Of course I can! None will know the difference. We are identical, except I can ride better and shoot better."
"I mean, the danger!" protested Tabby.
"There's no danger. We're going across the border into England."
"England!" exclaimed Tabby.
"God, it's not a thousand miles away. We just go straight down the coast into Berwick-on-Tweed, not eighteen miles from here. There are some very rich mansions there."
"He cannot go about stealing whatever he fancies," exclaimed Tabby.