Page 70 of Feral Possession

Movement in the corner snared her attention, and her breath caught. Shadows wrapped a figure sitting in the chair, revealing just the darkened outline of a large man. “Marcus?”

“Hm?” His head lifted off his hand, his elbow propped on the armrest. “You’re awake,” he said in a deliciously rumbly voice.

Memories of the failed exorcism washed over her. Marcus’s anger. Finding him near-death. Forcing the demon to rise. Marcus was likely here to chastise her for how badly she’d screwed up. She resisted the urge to pull the blanket over her head and sleep for a year.

As he stood, the shadows surrounding him parted and dropped, whirling around his ankles. They trailed him as he strode across the room to her.

“What’s with the special effects?” She twirled a finger in his direction, mimicking the shadows.

“It hasn’t stopped since you collapsed.”

Once he was beside the bed, she realized his eyes didn’t match. One pupil glowed red. “So… are you… you?” She bit her lip.

He nodded. “While you were out, the demon and I came to an agreement.”

“You did?” Her mind reeled. Did a tornado blow through the room and drop her in an enchanted land?

“He was upset you drained yourself while saving us from each other.” He scowled. “As was I.”

Warmth infused her face. Aw, shucks, maybe he did care.

“We’ve decided to work together,” he admitted, scowl deepening. “Problem is, neither of us is sure how to make that happen. Once you’ve recovered, maybe you could help.”

Yep. Any moment and Glinda would show up with those ruby slippers. “Back up a minute.” She massaged her temples. “You and Shadow have teamed up, and you want my assistance?”

“Yes. You have skills communicating and manipulating the spirit realm. Perhaps you can teach us.”

“You mean no more taking turns. You locking him out, him seizing control when you sleep. You’ll both exist together?”

“That’s the idea.”

She frowned, not believing her ears. “Did I hit my head?”

He chuckled, smoothing a curl back behind her ear. Finally, she noticed a smudge of crimson on his wrist. So that was why her mouth tasted funny. “You gave me your blood.” Why did that make her insides tingle?

“Least I could do.”

Darn right, it was the least he could do after she ran her magical tank dry for him. She grinned a Cheshire cat smile. “Then, after, you watched over me while I slept in your bed?”

His conscience darkened, the old Marcus rearing his cantankerous head. “My room was the closest,” he grumbled, smoothing the front of his T-shirt. She noted he was still dressed in his black pajama bottoms as well.

“Move over.” He drew back the sheet and slid in beside her, lying on his stomach. Dove skittered out of his way, her mouth agape. And just like that, they were in bed together. Celeste would have a heart attack when she told her.

“Whaaa-hat are you doing?” she asked the back of his head.

When he didn’t answer, she poked his shoulder. “Hey. What are you doing?”

He turned in her direction, his handsome face inches from her own. “It’s my bed, right?”


“I’m sleeping.”

Whoa. He was sleeping? No chains, no barriers to keep his demon under control? “But what about your partner?”

“He’s sleeping too.” He closed his eyes, settling in.

Now that he mentioned it, the swirling shadows lay stagnant along the walls and floors, back where they belonged. When she remained still beside him, he cracked one eye open, scowling at her. “Stay or go. Regardless, you should rest. We’re training at dusk.”