Page 24 of Feral Possession

Finally, she glanced in his direction. “Say, what happened to my guards, anyway? I figured they’d be right on my tail.”

“You won’t be seeing them again.”

Her rosy cheeks paled, and she pressed her hand to her throat. “Please tell me they didn’t fall victim to one of your permanent solutions?”

Part of him didn’t want her to see him as a complete monster. “They live.” Was all he was willing to give her. “You need to learn your irresponsible actions have consequences.”

“Understood.” She had the audacity to smile at him. “Fortunately, no one was harmed. Me, I’m a fan of living in the moment, not the past or the future.”

On the counter were four large bags overflowing with clothes. No doubt, in her mind, this little stunt had paid off in spades. He’d soon teach her otherwise.

While she was lost in her shopping, letting her guard down, he was taking notes. Fortunately, this time with her wasn’t a complete waste. Thanks to her prattling, he knew what she valued, recognized her currency. It certainly wasn’t money given their conversation they had this morning. Once more, he had the upper hand, the balance between him and the disarming female, restored.

“When we return, you will spend the next three days locked in your room. Your punishment for breaking my rules. Be happy this time your spontaneity didn’t get you and your friend killed.”

“You’re grounding me?” At last, he’d managed to wipe the smile from her lips. “You can’t be serious. I’m an adult, not an infant.” The way she stomped her foot and folded her arms did little for her cause.

Her pique did much to restore his mood. “Three days. One for each of the males I exiled for failing to protect you.”

She deflated, shoulders slumping. “You exiled them? But that’s not fair. I was only out of their sight for five minutes.”

“And it would have taken five seconds for you to be captured or killed.” At the reminder, his rage returned, and he snarled, “With their actions, they proved themselves to be unworthy of my trust. Be glad I allowed them to leave with their lives.”

Rather than retreat as he’d expected, Dove planted her hands on her hips, thrusting her chin forward. “Those walls you’re building around you may keep people out, but if you believe they’ll keep me in, you’re sorely mistaken.”

He curled his fingers into his palms to resist shaking some sense into her. “Lucky for you, you’ll have three days to ponder just how wrong you are.”


Dove glared at her locked door, her left eye twitching. Three days! She kinked her fingers into crooked claws and shook them at the unforgiving barrier. “Three days!” Getting into character, she grabbed a fringe-trimmed shawl she’d purchased from Celeste and slung it over her head. Posed in front of a full-length mirror, she rounded her shoulders and screwed up her face. “Three days,” she snarled like a woman crazed. And she was… crazed.

“Dang it. How much longer does he expect me to stay in here?” She whipped the shawl off and flung it to the floor. When her incarceration started, she’d decided to put a positive spin on her punishment, thinking of it as “me” time. She’d have so much fun, Steele would think twice before sending her to her room again.

Day one, she’d practiced yoga for hours, meditated, and watched crazy cat videos.

Day two was spa day. She soaked in the massive tub, her face slathered in avocado and raw egg, while drinking multiple green smoothies.

Day three and her face itched, her muscles hurt, her stomach was upset, and cats were stupid. Day three and she’d stayed in her favorite rainbow pajamas. Day three and she was losing her mind. She eyed the windows for the hundredth time. The sun was setting. She’d done her time. Where the heck was Steele with her pardon?

Her cell phone chimed with a text from Celeste. Thank goodness they’d exchanged numbers. With Armond off-grid and Vivian on the run, she’d had no one to talk to. Celeste had been a lifesaver. Her only connection to the outside world.

You still doing time in the slammer?

Yes! she texted back. Steele is supposed to be home tonight. After locking her up, he’d gone on a business trip, leaving Ida as her jailer. Poor woman, he really should give her a raise.

Can’t believe he grounded you.

Same. Steele was diabolical. He hardly knew her, and yet he’d concocted the worst punishment imaginable.

Did you complete the warding?

Finished it this morning. You? She hadn’t been in a hurry, so sick of solitary confinement even a visit from a ghost had started to sound good.

Did mine yesterday. No sign of Mr. Stabby.

Glad to hear it. She’d caused Celeste enough trouble already.

The doorknob jiggled and Dove’s breath caught. She fired off a quick message. Gotta go. Ida is here to spring me. She stuffed the too-big phone into her straining pocket and leapt across the room. Ida swung the door open and Dove hit the brakes inches shy of crashing into her. “Finally!” she shouted.