Her heart squeezed. Oh, Vivian, what have you gotten me into?
“Thank you, Gilbert.” Marcus hung up his phone, rubbing his burning eyes. He could no longer ignore the truth. His second officer was deceiving him. If Vivian’s butler hadn’t just called, Marcus would have had no idea her mansion was attacked last night. Apparently, the report Gilbert sent to Marcus’s private address had gone missing. No doubt he’d find it in his second’s sticky fingers. The bastard was keeping things from him in an attempt to surpass him. Could he trust no one?
“Betrayersss, all of them,” said the oily voice in his head. “Their soulsss are dark. Deserving of punishment.”
Rage burned his hollow gut, and heat unfurled in his aching muscles. Shadows slid along the walls, gathering around him. Leather groaned between his clenched fingers. Shit. Not now. I am in control. He forced his muscles to relax, breathing slowly through his nose. After several torturous moments, his body cooled, the shadows receding.
The voice withdrew with a scathing snort. “For now,” the darkness whispered.
Marcus leaned back, rubbing his temples, exhaustion pressing in. Damn, but these episodes were becoming more frequent. Though he’d given into Bishop’s nagging and slept last night, today he was even more tired than before. He’d need to do something before he was completely mad.
Gentle knocking came from the door.
“Enter,” he snapped.
Dove glided in, a bright smile on her face. Shit. What now? Didn’t Ida tell her she wasn’t allowed in the east wing?
“Good morning, Lord Steele,” Dove sang in a cheery voice. “Did you sleep well?”
He frowned at the question, unaccustomed to people being so jovial around him. Since his accident, they tended to cast fearful glances his way, afraid of drawing his attention.
“Yes,” he lied, some instinct compelling him to return the greeting. “And you?”
“Terrible.” She sighed dramatically, flopping into the chair across from him.
She was staying? He frowned, watching her tuck her bare feet under the hem of her long skirt. While he waited for her to disclose the purpose of her visit, she gathered her silver-blond hair at her nape, pulled it up on top of her head, and secured it there with an elastic band. As she did so, her crocheted top rode up, baring her midriff. The creamy expanse of pale skin appeared softer than silk.
He swallowed, his mouth strangely dry. “Why are you here?” Finishing her toilet in his office. And why the hell was he watching her, curious to see what the annoying creature would do next?
She lowered her arms, the bangles on her wrists tinkling. “Ida was busy, so I thought I’d pop in to ask you a quick question.”
“May as well,” he growled. “Now you’re here. Uninvited.” He needed to speak to Ida about keeping their guest out of his way. At least her arrival wasn’t untimely, given he did have an issue to discuss with the chit.
She peered at him and he felt himself shrinking from her gaze, sinking deeper into the shadows, hiding his disfigured face.
“Ask,” he snapped.
“Right.” She blinked, cheeks darkening. “Was Steele Tower constructed on a vacant lot or was something here before, say like a prison or graveyard?”
He frowned, thrown by the question enough to answer. “There was a parking garage.”
“Simple parking garage, huh?” She chewed her plump lip.
He dragged his eyes from her mouth, studying her expression. “Is something wrong?”
“No. No. Everything is fine,” she said cheerfully. Too cheerfully. “Are there any other guests living here? Roommates or girlfriends. Other faeries you have locked away in a closet somewhere?”
Now she was being absurd. “What’s this about?”
“Just wondering if it would only be the two of us.” Her sunny expression grew guarded. “It would be nice to have another person to talk to. You know, the more the merrier.”
She was hiding something. He had no patience for lies and deceit. Ever. Nor did he have time to figure out what was bouncing around in that empty head of hers. Best to get on with it and send her on her way. Far from him.
“Vivian’s butler called,” he stated. “There was an incident last night and Vivian was attacked. While she escaped harm, part of the mansion caught fire.”
“Fire,” Dove gasped, clutching her chest. “Was it her ex? That mage is bad news. Arson sounds just like something he’d do.”
“Her butler was under the impression Zion was involved.” Worse, he claimed several fire demons were there as well. The possibility the fire demons had aligned with Zion meant bad things for the underworld.