“Good grief.” The realization of what she was about to do washed over her and she hugged her waist. Apparently, the lust she’d experienced wasn’t limited to Marcus. “What the heck is wrong with me?”
Bishop coughed a laugh.
“See to it that she gets some fresh air,” Marcus snapped, his scowl bearing down on her. “The night is far from over.”
Dove scrunched her nose. “I almost forgot. I still have a job to do.” Once Marcus went to sleep tonight, she needed to ask Shadow her next question.
“I’ll be along shortly, once I’ve had a chance to speak with Xavier alone,” he stated, the warmth he’d shown her fading.
Her face burned, reality slowly returning. With Marcus occupied, maybe she’d use the time to take care of the ache between her thighs. The sooner, the better. Before she tried to fondle anyone else. “Welp. Catch you later, Steele. Have fun with Xavier.” She headed down the hallway with Bishop close on her heels.
“Keep her out of trouble,” Marcus called after them.
“I’m on it.”
Dove strolled at Bishop’s side through the beautiful corridors. Her head cleared by the second, her heated blood cooling. “Sorry I tried to feel you up.”
The lycan snorted in response.
“Don’t tell Celeste. Okay?”
“Our secret,” he said, amusement in his voice.
Suddenly, it struck her. She was alone with Bishop for the first time in forever. Now was her chance to chat up her friend. “You know, Celeste is a real sweetheart and she’s been so much help. It’s so great she agreed to come with us, don’t you think?”
She peered up at the heavyweight champ to find him eyeing her with one thick brow raised. Was she that transparent? Come on. That was totally subtle. Before she could try a different angle, footsteps sounded behind them. Bishop turned and tensed. “Magister?”
“Bishop. Hold up a moment.” With long, ground-eating strides, Tiberius caught up to them. “I spotted Marcus leaving with Xavier. With all that’s transpired, it doesn’t seem wise you leaving him unprotected. I’ll escort Dove while you return to his side.”
Bishop’s massive shoulders drew back. “Apologies, sir, but I’m under strict orders to escort Dove to Lord Steele’s suite.”
Tiberius leveled steely eyes at the bodyguard. “And your magister is ordering you to do your duty and ensure the safety of Lord Steele. Unless you believe me incapable of walking one little faerie to her quarters.”
“No, sir.” Bishop glanced in Dove’s direction, his frustration a palpable force. Even she knew that Marcus wouldn’t be happy about this.
“You’re dismissed,” Tiberius barked, and Bishop set off.
She watched him go, trepidation swelling in her chest. Everything about this situation felt off. Bishop disappeared around the corner, and then she was alone. Dove, the underachieving faerie necromancer with the head of the Council, Magister Tiberius Steele.
She strolled at the magister’s side, muscles tight with tension. He maintained a slow and steady pace, forcing her to do the same when all she wanted was to race back to her room. This time, her haste was for very different reasons.
He was so close to her, their shoulders touched, the contact far from pleasant. Goose bumps peppered her arms, and a chill danced along her glyph. Why the heck were her spiritual senses firing up when the magister was flesh and blood?
Down the hallway, a misty figure took shape. The flickering image appeared as one of Xavier’s guards. The apparition glanced over his shoulder, pressed the buttons on a keypad beside the door, and evaporated into the wall. Ah, so that’s what had her glyph tingling. Apparently, even exotic resorts could be haunted. It really shouldn’t surprise her. After all, it was a resort that catered to the underworld.
Words filtered into her brain, breaking her focus. Oh crap, the magister was talking to her. “Sorry?”
“Lovely evening,” he repeated.
“Um, yes. It was. I mean, it is.”
“Marcus seemed rather preoccupied.”
Perhaps due to the way Dove was fondling him beneath the table. Holy cow. She’d really done that. Her cheeks heated. “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
Down the hall, the spirit reappeared. Once more, it looked in their direction, punched the keypad, and vanished into the wall. Aw, poor guy was stuck in a time loop. Dove was beginning to feel the same, walking next to the magister.