Page 116 of Feral Possession

“The people here are weak, same as you,” Zion sneered. “Together, this vessel and I are strong. Soon, we will be unstoppable.”

“You will try, and you will fail.”

“Enough talk,” Zion snapped. “Return to your host. Swear fealty to us and serve us as the creator intended.”

“You are no longer my master. I serve another. One who is worthy.”

“Who is this you speak of? Another power in play?”

“Yes. A power you cannot defeat.”

Time crept forward. Only one thread remained between Shadow and his vessel. Below him, Marcus’s pulse skipped, faltered. Breath left the vampire’s straining chest. Without Shadow’s energy to support him, his flesh burned. His fire-damaged body began to fail. Marcus knew this would happen. He’d done it anyway. While most mortal emotions still eluded him, this, the drone understood. Sacrifice. To put one’s needs above your own. Not out of duty, but…


As though sensing his intention, Zion snarled, his essence whipping around his host in a frenzy. “Accept my dominion, drone. Defy me and you will suffer.”

The monster who sought their destruction knew nothing of sacrifice, nor did its host, Tiberius. That was why they would fail.

Seconds slipped past, gaining momentum. Speeding faster. Shadow’s energy waned, the bond holding him to this realm fading. He met his former master’s fury with a snarl of his own. “You are unworthy of my allegiance.”

The last thread snapped.

Time shot forward.

Marcus collapsed.

“Damn you, Marcus. What have you done?” Tiberius lunged for his nephew, the woman he’d thrust to her death, forgotten.

But not by the drone.

Not by Shadow.

Neither Tiberius nor Zion recognized the treasure they’d tossed away. Dove was painted sunsets. Rich flavors. Sounds of music and laughter.

Dove was everything.

Dove was life.

His queen. She didn’t have wings. Shadow would be her wings. In this, his host’s trust wasn’t misplaced.

Weakness sucked at his center. Without Marcus to anchor him, his being began to disintegrate. He gathered his misty shape and launched after his target. Wind buffeted his form. His silhouette streaked behind him, breaking apart. He struggled to draw his essence tighter, calling on the dark places, pulling them from the light.

Dove’s scream registered in his psyche, along with her terror. Hurry. Faster. He had to reach her before it was too late. Time ran out for all of them. Necromancer. Shade. Vampire.

Her pendant twisted in front of her. The talisman. Both gateway and prison. She’d tried to shove him inside of it during the exorcism and he’d refused. This time, he went willingly. He just hoped his queen welcomed him.


One second, Dove was bursting with pride as Marcus told his uncle where he could stick his offer. The next, she was plunging to her death.

So far, dying was disappointing, to say the least. No movie of her life flashed before her eyes. And it would have been epic. Won Oscars. Someone glamourous would have played her. Walked the red carpet. Signed autographs.


Seriously, where the heck were those singing angels she’d heard so much about? Maybe that came later? Who knew? The spirits she’d spoken to were never big on the details.

Frustration mixed with her fear. Darn it! She wasn’t ready. She’d accomplished so little in her life, always flitting from one thing to the next. Never committing. Never finishing anything. Biggest example, Marcus. Her heart ached. She hadn’t told him yet. Hadn’t given him the words. Now, it was too late. Perhaps if she came back as a ghost, she could convince Celeste to relay the message.