“ ‘There is, however, going to be a twist.’ ”
The pause at the end was ominous, nerve-wracking, and Cas thought Freddie had left it there of his own accord, but then Lucy’s phone beeped.
“ ‘After the partnerships have been decided, you will get the opportunity to save one of the bombshells that wasn’t picked for a couple. Choose wisely. #SeeYouTonight #BombsAway.’ ”
The Bombshell Week partnership ceremony was the most complicated of the entire summer. The men and women stood opposite one another, bombshells and original lovers together on each side, and, one by one, only original lovers got text messages signaling their turn to announce their intentions. The bombshells could only hope to be picked.
If both lovers decided to stick together, they stayed partnered up for the week. If, however, one of the lovers decided to re-partner with a bombshell, while their partner remained faithful, then the dumped lover had to leave the villa. An emotional double whammy if there ever was one.
Sienna’s phone beeped first, and after a deep breath, she took one step forward.
“I’d like to partner up with this boy because, from the very first moment I met him, I knew there was something about him. As he and I grew closer and our friendship developed, I knew that I had feelings I couldn’t deny.
“Being partnered up with him this last week has been a dream—I know we’re going to be together the rest of our time in the villa and I can’t wait to see what we do together when we’re on the outside.” Sienna’s tone softened then, and it was clear that, despite the fact they were all standing around, to her, it was just her and Femi. “My feelings for you grow stronger each and every day. And I’m so excited to see what the future brings. I have a feeling that, with you, it’s going to be incredibly bright.”
Femi reached up and swiped at his cheeks, and Cas felt her own eyes start welling up. This was everything he deserved, everything they both deserved, and she wanted this for them so badly she could taste it.
This show had turned her into a such a melt, it was unbelievable.
“So, the person I would like to partner up with, of course, is... Femi.”
Femi was supposed to confirm that he, too, would like to partner up with Sienna, but he didn’t bother. The moment Sienna finished speaking, he ran, closing the distance in half a second before sweeping Sienna up in his arms. She laughed brightly, her arms wrapping around his neck as he lifted her into the air and pulled her in for a kiss. And they kept kissing until Femi’s phone beeped from his back pocket.
“All right,” Femi said, and Cas couldn’t help but laugh at the look on his face, all frustrated and lovesick. “I want to partner with Sienna, too. Clearly.”
And then Femi made a point of pulling Sienna back in for another kiss. Cas hooted and cheered with the rest of them, pumping her fist into the air, and Sienna laughed as she pulled away and buried her face in his neck.
One by one, phones beeped.
Tia and Reece chose to stay partnered up.
Leo went with bombshell Lucy.
Delilah’s phone pinged next, and she took a deep breath, a smile growing across her face by degrees.
“I’ve only known this boy for a short time, but I’ve really loved the time we’ve spent together so far. Our start was a little... dramatic... to say the least, but I’m grateful every day that he decided to take a chance on me. That he saw the same potential in our connection that I did.” With each word, Delilah’s words grew more confident, her attention more and more firmly planted on Charlie. Charlie, though, was avoiding her gaze, looking everywhere but at Delilah, and Cas had a sinking feeling in her stomach. “So, the boy I’d like to partner up with is... Charlie.”
After a long, lingering look, Charlie cleared his throat, his gaze dropping to the grass. “Um, I’d actually like to partner up with Rita.”
Cas had seen it a million times on-screen, people deciding that they were going to choose someone else right in front of their partner’s face, and it had always been sad. But seeing Delilah get rejected in real time was painful. Awful, actually.
Delilah’s knees bent, like she was going to buckle, but Ada caught her round the elbow, turning her in for a hug instead.
“It’s okay, babe,” Ada said, brushing Delilah’s hair back off her shoulder. “It’s okay.”
Delilah drew in a thick, wet gasp. “He doesn’t—” She picked her head up off Ada’s shoulder and pointed at Charlie, now standing in the middle with Rita beside him. “Fuck you, Charlie.”
“I’m really sorry, I—”
Cas held her hand up at him. “She doesn’t need to hear that right now.”
“But I am sorry.”
“Okay,” Cas snapped. “Save it. Go sit down.” She jerked her head forcefully toward the bench, and though Charlie glared at her for a long moment, he did as she said.
Delilah turned, wiping tears off her cheeks, toward Cas. “Thanks.”
“ ’Course.”