There was something almost heated in her gaze—not quite a full blaze, but the still-smoldering embers of a fire long buried. “I know how brave you are, Cas.”
Ada’s palm pulsed against her own, emphasizing her words, and Cas felt the pressure run straight through her.
“Thank you,” Cas finally said. She’d unfurled herself almost completely tonight. She could see the raw edges of her heart, frayed and dangling in the wind, but it had been terrifyingly easy, giving Ada these pieces of her. She let her thanks linger for a fraction, before flashing a cheeky smile. “Now, we should get to sleep. This might be the only time all summer we get an uninterrupted eight hours.”
Ada laughed easily, her hand sliding away from Cas’s and tugging the duvet over her shoulders.
Cas watched as Ada snuggled into her pillow, her long red hair falling in pieces over her freckled shoulder. The feeling in her chest was so immense, so intense, that the only hope she had of containing it was closing her eyes and hoping the feeling disintegrated by morning.
#HotSummer—Live Updates
@zainisms: brad is FUCKING TOXIC can the #hotsummer producers get him off this show pls????
@ibistorm: ada babes dump brad and get with Leo he’s fine
@callumbryant : Brad is SO LUCKY #TheLads and I aren’t on this season because this would not fly with us
@aidanshaw : bro absolutely. This man really thinks he can just treat women like that???
@aleenadevlin: he actually should be removed from the show I’m not even kidding
@ jardsgotjokes:... for what? He literally just left the game like?? It’s not like he did something ACTUALLY awful
@aleenadevlin: ???? He almost slammed into Ada in the villa! That man is a series of walking red flags
@jardsgotjokes: you’re just making assumptions about him based on his edit
@aleenadevlin: and you’re a fucking clown mate
@cerifrancs: brad sucks ok but more importantly!! Cas and Ada sleeping on the daybed together????
@faisaaaal: brad is irrelevant can we talk about CADA???!!!!!
@lorrylorna: aklsjfd cas and ada look so hot together
@faisaaaal: no ok but actually like. Ever since Cas and Ada have been spending all this time together, I’m actually like... liking Cas?????
@airjordyyyn: no but like... Me too???? What’s happening
@jackwilliams95: Cas is ONLY likable when she’s around Ada
@steffancherry : is public opinion shifting on @casmorgan? How do you feel about Cas now?
? Love her!
? Like her
? Indifferent
? Dislike/hate her
@samera.1: if these two don’t get together I SWEAR TO GOD I’ll never watch hot summer again
Because she was sleeping outside, and thus at the mercy of the sunrise, Cas was awake far earlier than usual the next morning.