Rachel spread her legs for me as I bent down between her, and leaned back to give me easier access. Her tight rosebud of an asshole leaked a small dribble of come. I didn’t know if it was Anthony’s or Jake’s, and that turned me on as much as the idea of adding my own come to the mix. I gripped my cock like a sword and guided the tip down below her pussy, pressing it against her ass the way I did before. This time it slid inside even easier.
“Ohhh,” she moaned, rolling her head back against the comforter. “Yes, just like that…”
Anthony lowered his lips to her chest and took one nipple into his mouth. Rachel jerked with surprise, then sighed back into the bed. Not to be outdone, Jake went to the other side and cupped her other breast in his palm, squeezing the nipple between his fingers. She let out a new moan which Jake promptly muffled with his lips, never taking his fingers from her nipple.
This time I buried my cock as deep inside her ass as it would go, until her tight ring was gripped around my base. Her pussy lips flared as she tensed her sexual muscles, so I rubbed her clit with my hand. The noises she made into Jake’s mouth intensified.
I knew I wouldn’t last long, even after taking a short break to let my brothers have a go. Her ass was too good, especially while she squirmed on the bed with intense ecstasy. My climax built like a thunderstorm, swirling and growing and swelling with strength, and when it finally let loose it was a torrential downpour of pleasure. Every nerve I had was afire with ecstasy, and I held onto Rachel’s legs for dear life as I roared like the tigers in the zoo until every drop I had was added to Rachel’s already-full ass.
Anal sex was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was different, and kind of weird… but insanely hot. It felt like they were fucking my pussy from a different angle. Hitting my nerve endings from a new and unexpected direction.
And the notion that it was happening? That their cocks were buried deep inside my ass? It turned me on more than I could have ever dreamed.
“Did… Did you enjoy that?” Anthony asked afterwards. I was resting on his chest. “Because, I mean, not all girls like that. Not that I know. You’re the first I’ve ever tried it with. But my guess is most girls wouldn’t like that. And that’s totally alright if it was a one-time thing, giving it a try to say you did it…”
I kissed him to shut him up. “I liked that very much. Wasn’t it obvious?”
“Could’ve been faking it,” David said on the other side of me. “For our benefit.”
Down near my feet, Jake rumbled with laughter. “She definitely wasn’t faking it.”
“Why are you so certain?” Anthony asked suspiciously.
“Because, baby brother. I know a satisfied woman when I see one.” He twisted his head to face us, then winked at me.
“He’s got a point,” I said while stroking Anthony’s chest. “Besides. I’m not good at faking.”
“Then we’d better keep you satisfied,” David asserted.
“If that’s your takeaway from this conversation, then I very much approve. Please keep me as satisfied as possible.”
Jake shifted until he was laying on his back with his hands behind his head. “I’m gonna say something out loud.”
“That’s how people typically say things, yes,” I teased.
“I haven’t been this happy in a long time.”
I giggled. “I’m glad my ass can please you so much.”
Jake shook his head while staring at the ceiling. “I don’t mean that. At least, not just that. I’m talking about all of this. The zoo. The work we’re doing.”
“I’ve realized that I love working here.”
David barked a laugh. “Could’ve fooled me.”
“I’m serious. I like animals. Taking care of them is satisfying. Even the grunt work, like mucking out their enclosures and pulling weeds. You two were able to find steady jobs, but I haven’t been so lucky. I’ve bounced around taking jobs here and there—Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati. Nowhere has felt like home. But here? At the zoo? It just feels right. It makes me realize that the problem wasn’t the zoo or the job. It was dad. All of his craziness, his anger, his bitterness infecting everything like a disease.”
“Yeah,” Anthony said softly. “I know what you mean. Coming back here with the two of you has been nice.”
“Ditto,” David added. “Kind of ironic that all it took was dad’s death to make us want to come back here.”
The comment hung in the air as we all absorbed it.