Page 12 of Tiger Queen

“Uh, I thought this was room…”

“It’s the right room. I was just leaving.” He turned back to me. “I hope you can help us, Rachel. I really do.”

The girl turned to watch him go, biting her lip and making a soft noise. I snatched the towels from her and closed the door.

“What have I gotten myself into?” I wondered out loud.



“What have I gotten myself into?” I wondered out loud. I had been reviewing the financials for the zoo since I got back from meeting with Rachel. As a small business owner, I knew how to read a profit-and-loss sheet. But dad’s finances were a jumbled mess.

“I think you mean what have we gotten ourselves into,” Anthony said from the chair in the corner. “Cause it’s not just you in this. It’s me too. And Jake, if he decides to show up and help.”

I snorted. “Fat chance of that. The only thing Jake cares about is himself.”

Anthony bobbed his head. “Yeah, yeah. I know what you mean. He doesn’t have the best track record. But we really need him, you know? I think he’ll surprise us.”

“You keep thinking that. How’s the GoFundMe page?”

“Still setting it up. I need to take photos tomorrow. These things are only effective if you post a lot of photos, you know? So I’m going to do that first thing.”

“Then how long until it’s up?”

“Couple of hours. Maybe more. I’m new to all this stuff. It’s more complicated than I expected.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “We need some money coming in if we’re going to take care of this place the right way.”

Anthony’s eyes widened. “Sure, sure. If you say so. I can expedite the whole thing. Noon at the latest. But the zoo should have plenty of money between what you and I threw in. Right?”

I loved my little brother to death, but he wasn’t savvy with money. Never had been. Kid had a high-paying computer programming job and kept every paycheck in a single checking account. Close to a hundred grand that was sitting around, not earning interest. So when I had tried to explain to him how strapped for cash this zoo was, he didn’t really understand.

“Right,” I said. “But more money coming in would help. Get the website up as soon as you can.”

“Roger roger,” he said with a mock salute.

I tried to return my attention to the accounting books, but it was a futile effort. My mind kept drifting to the same topic that had been distracting me all night.

Rachel Koenig.

She was perfect for the job. Exactly the kind of person we needed to bring in here and help us right this ship. But she was also terribly, tremendously beautiful. That much was obvious when I gave her the tour of the zoo. Tight black jeans that framed a heart-shaped ass. Waves of blonde hair that I desperately wanted to run my hands through. And full, luscious lips that were pouty when she examined the zoo.

And then how she looked at the hotel. She wore that bra and panties like she was a swimsuit model. Even after she put a t-shirt on, I could barely hear myself think when I was in the room with her. We had definitely shared a moment together, there at the end. Right before I left. I was certain that if I had made a move like I wanted to, pushing her down onto the bed and ripping her panties off, then burying my cock inside of her…

“Hey David,” Anthony cut in.

I blinked. “Yeah?”

“You gone through dad’s stuff yet? I mean, his stuff stuff. Not the business stuff.”

I sighed. “Not yet. I was waiting for Jake.”

He stabbed a finger in my direction like he had caught me in a lie. “Ah hah! So you do think he’ll show up.”

“I really, really don’t,” I said wearily. “But on the off chance that he does, I want us to go through everything together.”

Anthony’s smile faded. “That’s a good idea. The three of us. Like when we were kids.”