My son nodded, reaching up. “Hold my hand,” he said. “So you don’t get lost.”

I did him one better and lifted him up, setting him down on my shoulders. Max laughed, giddy, his hands on the top of my head for balance as he took in the sights from up high.

“Wow!” he gasped. “There he is! He’s with Mommy by that picnic table.”

“Should we go say hi?”

“Yeah! Let’s go, let’s go!”

Sam laughed when we arrived, though she still took the opportunity to chide me. “Please don’t drop him.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got him.”

“We saw crocodiles!” Max informed as I sat him down on the bench next to his mother. He was jumping in his seat because he was still so excited.

Liam chuckled. “I’ll go help the guys bring our lunch over,” he said, leaving. He patted me on the back and gave me a knowing smile with his eyes.

Sam had a loving arm wrapped around Max, kissing his hair before blowing raspberries against his cheek. His laughter was infectious. I was convinced I’d get cavities if they got any sweeter.

“Sweetie,” she said slowly, “there’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about.”


“Do you remember a little while ago… You asked me where your daddy was?”

Max nodded. “Yeah. He’s working.”

“Well…” She smiled down at him. “He’s here today, sweetie. You’ve been spending most of the day with him.”

He furrowed his little brow, confused. “I’ve been with Uncle Kris all day.”

I nodded, smiling gently. “I’m not your uncle, Max. I’m your father.”

The boy looked up at me, confusion followed by awe washing over his expression. “Really?”

I nodded. “Yeah, kiddo. It’s me.”

Max threw his arms around my neck and gave me a hug so tight I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t care. I was too damn happy to even think about letting him go.

“Are you going to live with us now?” he asked, speaking at a million miles an hour. “Can you drive me to school tomorrow? I want to go to your work. Can I go to your work? You don’t have to leave again, do you?”

Sam laughed. “Slow down, buddy. There’s no need to rush.”

I shook my head and grinned. “That’s alright, Sam. He can ask me all the questions he wants.”

Max twisted his face up. “Wait… I thought you were my uncle. Does this mean Uncle Adam, Uncle Liam, and Uncle Charlie are my dad’s, too?”

“No, kiddo. You get the one dad but trust me when I say they’re still your family.”

“And speaking of family…” Sam said when the guys finally came over. “Everyone,” she said clearly. “I have an announcement to make.”

“Everything alright?” Charlie asked, handing Max his own vanilla ice cream cone.

“Everything’s fine, actually.” She beamed, brighter than the sun. “Everything’s great.”

“Well?” Adam urged. “Don’t keep us waiting. I can’t take the suspense.”

Sam took a deep breath. “When we got back home, I noticed that I was feeling a bit… off.”