Charlie moved in for a deep kiss while Liam let me run my fingers through his hair. It was like a chain of dominos, each one falling after another, their momentum building up towards one grand conclusion ?me.

The first pass of Adam’s tongue against my folds made me gasp. I sighed into Charlie’s kiss as Liam moved down to mouth at my nipples.

They took turns, showering me in their undivided attention. Adam’s devilish mouth teased me until I could hold on no longer, climax peaking at a crest and slowly ebbing away like the soft ocean waves at low tide. He took me first, greedily grabbing at my waist, my thighs, his fingers pressing into my skin. I was drunk off their combined affection, high on the scents of their mixed colognes. Time lost all meaning as they kissed and nipped and teased.

When it was Charlie’s turn to claim me, he rolled me onto my stomach and helped me settle on my hands and knees, dragging his palm down my back before grabbing me securely by the waist. He was an animal in bed, a man on a mission as he pistoned in and out of me, the sounds of my languid, heated moans his reward. I happily took Kris into my mouth, wrapping my lips around the head of his cock, all while Adam uttered the filthiest things in my ear.

I lost count of how many times Charlie made me come, each time an explosion of ecstasy that sent stars flying across my vision. I barely recognized the sound of my own voice. Every inch of my body was on fire, and yet nothing hurt. In fact, I felt fantastic.

Alive and electric, like I’d started my life anew.

When it was Liam’s turn, he pulled me onto his lap and let me ride him. He made it very clear that I was the one in control, that he was here to guide me through to my next overwhelming climax. He was my gentle lover, kissing me softly and whispering endearments against my throat as Adam played with my hair from behind, encouraging me with light caresses. I came with a soft cry, coming apart at the seams only for my men to put me right back together.

By the time Kris pulled me into his arms, holding me upright on my knees with my back pressed to his chest, I was sure my voice had finally given out. I was hyper aware of everything. The sounds of my rapid breaths, the feel of skin sliding against skin, the roar of blood rushing past my ears. I was sensitive, overwhelmed.

I enjoyed every second of it.

“Beautiful,” Charlie murmured, moving in to slide a hand between my thighs. Kris rolled his hips against me from behind, the head of his cock dragging across my sweet spot with excruciating accuracy.

“I’m—” I panted. Words made no sense rolling off my tongue. I didn’t care. I knew I was in good hands. Four pairs of very good hands. My head lulled back against Kris’ shoulder, my eyes screwing shut as I came undone yet again.

When I’d walked into the head office of Grand Paradise Security, all I’d wanted was to land the job. If someone told me that I’d end up finding the father of my child and fall in love with not one, but four incredible men who made up the missing pieces of my soul, I wouldn’t have believed them. Because now…

Now I was living a dream and I had no intention of ever going back.

I’d found my happily ever after.

I guess this wasn’t such a bad Valentine’s Day after all.



Ipaced back and forth along the sidewalk, hands in my pockets. “I should have brought something for him,” I said. “A toy or something, I don’t know. Candy? Max likes candy, right?”

Liam rolled his eyes. “All kids like candy.”

Adam crossed his arms and leaned casually against the company car. “Bro, you seriously need to chill. You’re stressing me out.”

Charlie patted me on the shoulder. “Take a breath. You’re turning blue.”

“Am not.”

“Fine, don’t believe me.”

I did end up taking a deep breath, but it did little to help my nerves. When I placed a hand on my chest, I could feel my heart railing against my ribs. Today was a big day, one that was too important to screw up.

Today was the day I got to meet Max in person for the very first time.

We’d been back in New York for almost two weeks. I hadn’t meant to put off the visit, but there was a lot of work to take care of. After hours upon hours of interviews with the Macau authorities and then seeing Duchess Arianna safely returned to Coselia, we finally got to go home. Evidently there was no rest for the wicked because the second we landed at JFK I was swamped with all sorts of work-related emergencies.

Budget approvals for the other bodyguards I had under my employment, important paperwork that needed signing and filing, meetings with some of our most important clients about up and coming events where they felt they required protection services. Not to mention I had to process Charlie’s resignation forms and make sure accounting threw him a generous bonus for all his work over the past ten years.

It was tough sometimes, being the boss.

But today… Today I was just a man excited to meet his son for the first time.

“I just want everything to be perfect,” I mumbled. “What if he doesn’t…”