“Almost, honey, I swear. Just a little while longer and I’ll be back reading you bedtime stories before you know it.”

“‘Kay,” he mumbled with a big yawn.

“Are you sleepy baby? Nana, you know his bedtime is supposed to be at seven-thirty.”

“I know, dear, but I can’t figure out this time difference thing. Plus, he really wanted to talk to you. It’s right to bed afterward, though.”

“Okay. I just don’t want him to get cranky. You know how he gets if he doesn’t get enough sleep.”

Nana chuckled. “Oh, I know. He’s just like you when you were his age. Not enough sleep and you’re both cranky. Too much sleep and you’re both wired.”

I smiled. “And things haven’t changed a bit.”

A soft knock sounded at my door. Kris stepped in, his eyes quickly locking onto the screen. “Am I interrupting?”

“No, not at all. I was just about to say goodnight.”

“Hi!” Max said, face pressed up to the camera.

“Hey, buddy,” Kris said with an amused smile. “Do you remember me?”

“You’re Mama’s friend Kris!”

“That’s right, honey,” I said. “I’m sorry, Max, but I have some work to do. Be a good boy and let Nana tuck you into bed, okay? And Nana, did you remember to get your prescription filled? Your doctor says you need to be on top of those refills.”

Nana nodded, balancing Max in one arm while holding onto the phone with her free hand. “Yes, dear, don’t worry. I had that nice young boy down the hall show me how to put reminders on my phone.”

“Good, I’m glad.”

“We’ll call you later, dear. We love you.”

“I love you both too. Sweet dreams, Max.”

“Night, Mama!”

I hung up the phone with a sigh, ignoring the throb in my chest. “God, I miss them,” I mumbled.

“Are you homesick?” Kris asked me, shutting the door softly behind him.

“Yeah, I am, but I know it’s all worth it.” I smiled up at him. “Actually, it’s a good thing you’re here. I needed to talk to you about something.”


“I was upstairs with the duchess a little earlier. She was showing me all of her plans for the gala now that Charlie’s received the blueprints from the venue manager. She mentioned that she wants me to pick up some new dresses for the event. She understands she can’t go in person, so she wants to send me as her proxy. Do you think we can work that into our schedule?”

Kris nodded. “You can take Adam and Charlie. Liam and I will stay here to keep guard.”

“Great. I’m sure she’ll be very excited.”

“Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

I shook my head and shrugged. “No? Not really?”

“Are you sure?”

I gave him a funny look. “Yes? Is… something the matter?”

Kris lingered by the door, wearing a contemplative frown. It was hard to get a pulse on him. At this point, I’d gotten to know Adam, Liam, and Charlie very well. I knew their expressions, at least, I thought I did.