When I awoke the next morning, I found that someone had wrapped me up in the sheets. Soft daylight streamed into the motel room through the crack in the curtain, the air smelling faintly of sweat and sex. Liam was asleep next to me on his back, one arm braced behind his head. Charlie was asleep, too, one of his arms draped over me as he curled toward me, lips close enough to kiss my shoulder.

It was the first time I’d ever seen them so exposed. And that was saying something considering I’d seen them naked and succumbing to our basic instincts just the night before.

They looked so much younger in their sleep, vulnerable. I took the time to admire Liam’s face, which was peaceful in rest, not a hint of a frown to be seen. He was already incredibly handsome when he was his normal, brooding self, but right now, he was absolutely gorgeous.

Charlie looked jaw-droppingly sexy, too, what with his normally combed hair all a mess and a trace hint of his morning stubble coming in. It was the first time that I noticed just how long his lashes were.

A part of me still felt like last night was all a dream. It amazed me just how different they were in bed. By day, Liam was arguably the most intimidating of the team ? not to me of course

? but in bed… In bed he was the most gentle, caring lover I’d ever had. He never rushed, never pushed me over my limit. I felt completely and wholly safe with him, adored and revered beneath his careful touch.

Then there was Charlie. Normally such a gentleman, he was an absolute animal in bed. When he fucked, hefucked. He knew exactly what he wanted and held no quarter, pounding me into the mattress without any fear that I might break. While Liam made me feel cherished, Charlie made me feel alive.

I held back a quiet giggle, stretching my fingers and toes. I was sore in places, but only in the best way possible.

Bang bang bang!

Three hard knocks at the front door had me jump out of my skin. I gasped, suddenly remembering that this wasn’t exactly a vacation. We were here in this motel because we were hiding.

Liam hopped out of bed, already on full alert. He pulled on his pants and carefully made his way to the front door, pressing himself tight against the wall. He peered through the peephole only to sigh, opening the door by only about a foot. With a small yelp, I clutched the sheets to my chest.

“Did we catch you with your pants down?” Adam asked as he strolled on in.

Kris snorted at Liam and Charlie’s state of undress. “Clearly.” When his eyes fell upon me, he didn’t seem nearly as annoyed. “Sam are you okay?” he asked tenderly.

I nodded. “I wasn’t expecting such a loud wake-up call.”

“Sorry,” Adam said with a grin. “Liam tends to be a deep sleeper, so I had to make sure someone heard me.”

“Where’s the duchess?” Charlie asked, almost completely dressed already. He ran his fingers through his hair and straightened out his cufflinks.

“She’s being guarded by a small team of local policemen back at the penthouse,” Kris informed.

“They’ve been vetted?”


“Can’t be too careful.”

“Have we been cleared?” Liam asked Kris.

“For now. I just need to clarify a few things with you before we head back.”

“Um…” I said, holding up a finger. “I think I’m going to get dressed. Be right back.” I slipped out of bed, still covered by the bedsheet, picking up my clothes from the floor before moseying on over to the bathroom. I dressed as quickly as I could, listening through the thin door to their conversation.

“No plates,” Charlie recounted. “The windows were all tinted, so I couldn’t see who it was.”

“Do you think it’s—”

“No, it’s not,” Liam stated firmly.

“We have no proof of that.”

“Terrance wouldn’t do this.”

“We haven’t seen him in years, Liam,” Adam said. “There’s no telling what he’s been up to. I know you’re holding out hope for your brother, but…”

I stepped out of the bathroom fully dressed. “Your brother?” I echoed, glancing at Liam. “Who’s Terrance?”