
“Youdoknow this is the men’s bathroom, right?”

I continued to wash my hands, glancing up to look at the man in the mirror’s reflection. “I know, sorry. I was out there waiting for my turn to be interviewed, but they’re an hour behind. I couldn’t hold it anymore and there’s a massive line for the women’s room.” I shrugged, looking about the space with a vague expression. “Hence.”

The man chuckled, of all things. His surprisingly chill reaction made me curious. I turned and took a good look at him, stunned to discover just how sexy he was.

The guy was a tank personified, dressed in a sharp navy-blue suit that was just barely able to conceal the hard, rolling muscles of his arms. He had luscious black hair, deep, forest green eyes, an aquiline nose. His smile was a bit crooked, but in a way that was endearing. He was charming, a bit boyish.

He was so handsome that I felt a bit embarrassed to be caught in the wrong bathroom by him.

“You must be here for the personal assistant position,” he said, casually strolling over to the sink next to me.

“That I am.”


“Why is that interesting?”

“When I first saw you, I thought maybe you got lost on your way to the modeling agency downstairs.”

I smirked, reaching for the paper towel dispenser to dry off my hands. “You’re sweet.” I tossed the crumpled paper into the nearby garbage can. “Aren’t you going to… you know. Do your business?”

“I’m shy.”

A laugh bubbled past my lips. “I’ll get out of your hair. Oh, and if you really are shy, try running the water first. Works every time.”

The man chuckled. “Thanks for the tip, Miss…?”

I was already out the door on my way back to the reception area.

It was crowded, a backlog of job applicants milling about. I counted roughly twenty of us, all waiting around for another update. According to the overworked lady behind the counter, one of the interviewers was running behind schedule.

I thought it a bit strange that the whole room seemed to be filled with young women who looked very similar to me. It felt like some sort of casting call for a part in a movie. Everyone here was a brunette. I chalked it up to coincidence.

A few ladies had already left in frustration. I couldn’t exactly blame them. I had half a mind to leave, too. I valued my time and there was a lot I needed to get done today. I needed to pick Max up from preschool, I needed to pick up Nana’s prescription from the pharmacy, and then I had to help prepare dinner.

I also needed this job. If things worked out, I’d be setting my baby boy and me up for life.

Do it for Max.

“Here.” The handsome man from earlier in the bathroom presented me with a water bottle. I figured he must have been an employee here and grabbed the drink from the break room.

I took it from him with a smile. “Thank you.”

“Have you always wanted to work for Grand Paradise Security?” he asked casually, sitting down next to me in a free chair. My mystery hunk threw an arm over the back of it, his billboard body turned towards me.

“Would you like my honest answer, or the one I plan to give when my interviewer asks me?”

“Whichever you’d prefer.”

“Well, my professional answer is of course. Who wouldn’t want to work for a top-tier security company who provides bodyguards to America’s biggest stars and most controversial political figures?” I placed a hand over my heart. “I’d be honored to be a part of the team.”

His smile was breathtaking. “And your honest answer?”

I smiled softly, looking away for the first time to fiddle with the hem of my skirt. “Promise not to judge?”