The little bell over the front door chimed, signaling the entrance of another guest. Three guests, to be exact. I would recognize their hulking frames anywhere.

“Hey, sweetheart,” Liam said, making his way over to me. He kissed me on the cheek before rubbing my big belly. “And hello, my love.”

Adam hugged me, kissing me like it was the only thing he knew how to do. “God, I missed you,” he murmured. “Did you miss me?”

“We saw each other this morning at breakfast.”

“But did youmissme?”

I laughed. “Of course, I did, silly.”

Kris was the next to swoop in, a practice hand on the small of my back as he placed a quick peck on my shoulder. “Dropped Max off at Debbie’s,” he informed. “She and Nana are going to be taking him out to the movies.”

“Oh, good. I hope they have a fun time. Wait, does this mean your mother got her results back?”

He nodded, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled. “Yep. She’s got the all clear from her doctors. She’s in remission, and this time they’re very confident that it’s not going to come back.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God, you must be so happy!”

“I really am.”

“Ah,” Charlie said, returning with the muffin I asked for. “I thought I heard a rowdy bunch of customers walk in. Here you go, sugar.”

“Thanks, love.”

“How is LSAT practice going?” Liam asked me.

I beamed and popped a chocolate chip into my mouth. “It’s pretty good. I think I’m ready.”

Charlie grinned. “You’ve passed every practice test we’ve run through. You’re more than ready.”

Adam rubbed his hands together. “By this time tomorrow, you’ll be sitting in that exam room kicking everyone’s ass.”

I giggled. “Hell yeah I’m going to kick everyone’s ass.”

“That’s our girl,” Liam hummed.

“Are you ready to go?” Kris asked. “We’ve taken care of everything at work, so you’ve got us all to yourself today.”

I nodded. “I’m ready. Where are we headed again?”

Adam winked. “It’s a surprise.”

“I don’t know if I should be excited or a little worried.”

Liam laughed. He did that a lot more often now. The prospect of fatherhood was really starting to mellow him out. “Come on, sweetheart. You’ll love what we have in store for you.”

* * *

This wasthe second time in my life that I found myself atPer Se, one of the fancier restaurants in all of New York. It was quiet around lunchtime, the tables sparse and the atmosphere quiet, but I didn’t mind much because I loved hanging off the arms of my handsome men. I was happy to go wherever they wanted to go because I knew they’d take care of everything.

Charlie had reserved us a table in the far back of the restaurant, offering us a great deal of privacy. I obviously couldn’t have any wine or champagne, so I settled for sparkling water with a wedge of lime. Adam ordered the same thing, too. He’d been completely sober since Macau and I’d never been prouder of him.

“Duchess Arianna sends her regards, by the way,” Kris informed. “We had a very lovely chat this morning over the phone.”

I gasped. “How is she? She must be pretty busy now that Gaia Incorporated has taken off. I’ve seen all sorts of reports about her in the news and online.”

He nodded. “She’s busier than ever. She’s seen so much success in Coselia that she’s already thinking of expanding to Europe and to the States.”