No! Stop it! Stay strong!
Fortunately, Leonid seems to snap back to earth before either of us can fall off the edge.
“I see you’ve eaten,” he says, looking over at my nightstand and the empty plate on it.
“Only because I was hungry.”
“You did well to listen,” he says.
I’m about to argue before I think better of it. There’s too much tension in this room. All it could take is one spark to ignite something neither of us can ever take back.
“You can’t just leave me in here with nothing to do,” I say instead. “I’ll go mad, and then what good will I be to you?”
But that question only seems to entice Leonid’s lust again. His blue eyes flicker down my body and I see the disappointment drawn on his face as he realizes just how covered up I am in my new dress.
“You’re already mad,” he says.
“Well, so are you.”
“Perhaps. I see you’ve chosen a new outfit.”
“It was the only one that didn’t make me look like a whore.”
“Who would have thought that was possible?”
My mouth opens to spit at him, but I somehow manage to hold back again. Why is he making this so hard?
… isn’t it obvious?
He wants you to tempt him. He’s looking for any excuse to touch you again.
Now it’s my turn to bite the inside of my lip. Crossing my arms and my legs, I try to squeeze away any growing arousal.
It’s not working.
… Especially not as Leonid dips his head and runs a hand through his golden locks.
The bastard knows he’s gorgeous, and he must be experienced enough to understand when a woman is physically attracted to him. The trick will be to make it clear that I’m not interested, even if I have to lie through my teeth.
But I have to be careful, because one wrong move and he could be on me again.
We wouldn’t want that now, would we?
… Would we?
“Enough playing around,” Leonid grumbles.
Stalking around the edge of my bed, he seems to check if the camera is still recording.
Just like that, it hits me.
He’s been watching me this entire time.