Castor passes by me as I stop one last time, just to make things clear.
“Tell the men to arm themselves, I’m taking you all on our first mission.”
“I don’t like this one bit,” Maksim grumbles.
A line of static hisses through his voice and my first instinct is to press into my earpiece to steady our line of communication.
But that would be stupid, and I quickly manage to stop myself.
I’m supposed to be here alone. And I wouldn’t want to give away the fact that I have two expert marksmen hiding on nearby rooftops, ready to take out anyone who would try to cross me… or hurt my princess.
I’ll get you out of this, Sophia.
My hands curl into fists as I approach the east corner of the docks. Except for a Glock, a pistol and a couple of switchblades, I’m all on my own.
Sure, I could have barged in here with an army and taken the heads off of whoever is involved in this plot to extort me, but then Sophia’s life would be at risk.
They took her. I let them take her. This is my fault, and it’s my mess to fix.
But that doesn’t mean I have to be completely reckless. This needs to go well.
I don’t know if I’d be able to live with myself if I let anything bad happen to her.
Well, anything worse.
She’s already been through hell and back. The best I can do now is retake control of the underworld.
We’ll rule it together, baby.
First, though, I need to get her back.
That army I left behind isn’t so far away. I have a team of fifty assassins hiding out all along the docks, just in case.
I’m not leaving anything to chance. But that doesn’t mean this is smart—it’s never anything but stupid to walk into an obvious trap by yourself.
“Hey, I’m with the Russian-me on this one,” Ray pipes up over the airwaves. “I think we should have already called back up in. This is clearly a trap.”
“You think I don’t know that?” I grumble under my breath. “This is the most obvious trap in the world. But I’ve walked into a thousand traps before, and I’ve always been the one to come out on top. Shit isn’t about to change now.”
“Have you ever been this concerned about the bait before?” Ray pushes.
“Don’t make me turn this thing off,” I growl, coming up to a series of shipping containers.
“We wouldn’t want that, would we, Russian-me?” Ray teases.
“My name is Maksim,” my second-in-command hisses without humor.
“I’m not a huge fan of the name. Ever think about changing it?”
“Say one more word and I’ll turn this sniper on you…”
“Enough,” I snap. Slinking past the all-too familiar shipping containers, I finally see the spot I’m supposed to meet these Greek fucks at. It makes me stop in my tracks. My men aren’t ready.
Ray is distracted.