Page 52 of Queen's Ransom

“But you are,” Helena said, offering him a shiny nickel of reassurance. “Unless you want to stay with him.”

Dex finally—finally—shut his fucking mouth.

“That’s what I thought.”

She handed Dex to Chris, who told her, “Someone outside wants to see you.”

By his sly smile, she had no doubt who was out there waiting for her. Her first instinct was to question it—Why was Celia there?—but she caught herself. Reflected on what she’d just told Dex, what she herself had decided in the courtroom. All the evidence pointed to Celia being the strongest woman she knew. She loved and protected her own as fiercely as Helena and her brothers did. So of course she was there. Helena wouldn’t question that decision.

She zipped up the coat Remy had loaned her, covering the bloody mess on her sweater, and strode out the door. The previously deserted parking lot was full of cars, but Helena had no trouble spotting Celia. She stood next to Victoria by the Benz in a halo of light from a streetlamp, fucking gorgeous as always. Helena crossed the space as fast as her legs would carry her, just shy of a run.

“Hey, baby, I’m sor—”

Celia didn’t let her finish, clasping both sides of her face and drawing her in for a deep claiming kiss. Helena sighed, adrenaline receding, happy to let Celia be the strong one for a few blissful seconds.

Closer to thirty later, Celia gentled the kiss, her thumbs wiping what could only be more blood off her cheeks, not the least bit fazed. “You’re okay?” Celia asked.

Helena nodded. “It’s not mine. I’m okay.” She lightly held Celia’s wrists and lowered her hands, wrapping them in hers between them. “Are you okay with us? With there being an us?”

“More than. If you are.”

Helena shifted her slightly and drew her into another kiss. Celia smiled against her lips. “You moved me so Dex would see, didn’t you?”

“I did,” Helena admitted with a wink, then sobered, having to address the fucking idiot in the room. Or rather in the parking lot. “We need to talk about what to do with him.”

Celia shifted them a second time, even more directly into Dex’s line of sight. “After I kiss you again.”

Fuck, she was perfect. And perfect for her. “I think you might be the dangerous one in this relationship.”

And she proved it, laying a kiss on Helena that was full of desire and confidence and just the right amount of danger for both their hearts.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Helena made a loop of the house to confirm everyone’s location and level of distraction—Holt sleeping in his room for a spell; Gloria and Mia entertaining Lily in the next room over; Hawes, Chris, and Marco playing a video game in the living room—then followed the smell of Italian sausage and Daisy’s and Tulip’s meows to the kitchen. Helena double tapped the door frame as she entered, making her presence known.

Celia smiled over her shoulder. “You don’t have to do that. I’m getting used to turning around and you being there.”

“It’s not too much, is it?” Helena said.

Except for the time she’d had to spend in court and Celia in the shop that afternoon, Helena hadn’t strayed far from Celia’s side the past twenty-four hours—not at the station last night, not as they’d dozed off together first against the wall in Mia’s room, then against the wall in Marco’s, and not as they’d otherwise moved about the house all day.

“Not at all,” Celia said as she covered a casserole dish with plastic wrap. “Wouldn’t mind if you were closer.”

Helena liked the sound of that invitation. Snuggling close behind Celia, she wrapped her arms around her waist and poked her head around Celia’s shoulder. “Whatcha making?”

“Sausage strata for breakfast tomorrow. It’s the kids’ favorite, and I figure after I kept disrupting their routine this week…”

“You’re letting them play hooky tomorrow for the wedding rehearsal.” They were two weeks out from Hawes and Chris’s big day, but the rehearsal had to be scheduled ahead of time, given the Maritime Museum’s schedule. “I don’t think they’re gonna object.”

“It’s also my favorite.”

“Now the truth comes out.” She snuck her hands beneath the hem of Celia’s tee and spread her fingers over her abdomen, enjoying the heat that rushed to meet her hands. “You know…” She nuzzled behind Celia’s ear, inhaling the Dove soap and lingering smell of shop grease she hoped Celia never lost. “Hawes can cook too. Just give him a recipe.”

Celia dipped her chin and smiled, an attractive blush pinking her cheeks. Helena was officially smitten. “What’s that smile about?” she asked as she untangled from around Celia and claimed a stool at the island.

Celia picked up the dish and carried it to the fridge, the cats chasing the scent and the frayed ends of Celia’s pajama bottoms. “Yesterday, I told Hawes, after we got you back, I just wanted to be the partner who was the mom-friend and who made sure you all were fed and taken care of.”

Partner. Helena’s heart skipped at the prospect, never having thought it in the cards for her. Never having thought it would be someone outside their world. But Oak had been right. Celia was just what she needed, what they all needed. And if Helena wanted a chance at a future with Celia, they needed to talk about the past week. “Even after yesterday?” She waited for Celia to close the fridge, then waved her over to stand between her knees. “You know more of what you’re getting into now. Are you sure you still want to be here?”