“The biggest,” I mumble dryly. Chase walks over, two drinks in hand. He hands me an apple juice, and takes a seat.
“Well, don’t leave us in suspense,” Kade drawls.
I groan. I do not want to relive that conversation.
“It doesn’t matter,” Chase says in a hard voice.
“That bad, huh,” James mumbles.
“I don’t know why you even bothered,” Kade adds, earning a heated glare from Chase.
“I’m serious, Chase. She is pregnant; she doesn’t need added stress from our family bullshit.” I think Kade has a death wish.
I look into my apple juice, which has suddenly turned extremely interesting.
“You think I don’t fucking know that?” Chase barks, “He is my baby’s grandfather after all, I just wanted to give him a chance. He may be an ass, but he was a decent father to me growing up.”
“Yeah well you could have told him alone, not drag Layla into that awkward shit. You sprung that on him, of course he was going to react badly,” Kade spits in return.
“I fucked up, Kade, but you need to back the fuck off!”
“Both of you need to stop it!” I yell, standing up. “It was an ugly situation, I will admit, but it happened and it’s done. I’m not fragile, you are both over reacting! So stop fighting. Now,” I demand.
The brother’s all exchange glances.
“Is she bossy in bed?” Kade asks, lip twitching.
Chase slaps him on the back of the head.
James laughs.
I love these men.
Chapter Thirty Four
I walk up to Aubrey’s apartment, and knock on the door. When there is no answer, I put out my key and open it myself. I bought Aubrey this apartment when we were dating. Layla doesn’t know that, and I’m surprised Aubrey hasn’t thrown it in her face by now. The truth is, I kept Aubrey like a mistress. Placed in an apartment I provided, bought pretty things, and expected to give me what I needed, when I needed it. But I was also free to do as I please, and I never had to answer to her. As I walk towards her room, I hear the unmistakable sounds of people having sex. Well, fuck. I definitely came at a bad time. I leave my key on her kitchen table; I don’t even know why I still had it. I’m about to leave, when Aubrey walks out, naked, giggling. A man trails behind her, also naked.
“Fuck!” I exclaim when I see just who the bastard is. Aubrey can fuck whoever she wants, I couldn’t care less. But this, I have a huge fucking problem with.
“Why the fuck would you want me to marry her when you are obviously fucking her?” I spit at my father.
Aubrey screams when she finally sees me, and runs to the room. My father actually looks ashamed but I could care less. “We are done, father. Fuck you, don’t contact me, pretend you don’t even fucking know me anymore,” I yell, walking out before I hit my own father.
“It just happened Chase,” he says softly, like it makes it any better. “One thing led to another and...”
I keep walking towards the door. “Son!” he calls out.
“I am not your fucking son,” I retort.
I stop, and turn around, remembering the reason I was here. I walk back to Aubrey’s door and knock. She opens it, now wearing a robe, looking a mixture of smug and embarrassed. “I just need to know the fucking truth. Who was her father?” I demand, wanting to shake her. She frowns, her face slipping.
“It wasn’t you, Chase,” she says softly.
“If you are fucking lying to me, Aubrey, I will make your life a living fucking hell!” I hiss at her.
“I swear, it wasn’t. But Lilly would have looked like you, because...” She trails off looking behind her. I follow her gaze, straight onto my father’s guilty looking face.