He gives me a crooked grin.
“You don’t have to propose just because you knocked me up,” I say bluntly.
“Please don’t tell you’re serious?” he says in an odd tone.
I shrug.
His eyes narrow to slits. “Well, fuck,” he says under his breath.
He reaches into the top drawer of the side table and pulls out an elegant black box. He opens it and a gorgeous princess cut white gold ring stares up at me. It’s beautiful. I gasp.
“Layla, I love you, everything about you. I always have and I always will. From the moment I saw you, I knew that no one would ever compare to you. Would you please do me the honor of being my wife?” he asks tenderly, his eyes hungry on mine.
“Yes,” I whisper, getting teary eyed yet again. He puts the ring on my finger, and it fits perfectly. Just like us.
“By the way, I bought that ring for you a long time ago. Before I knew that we were having a baby. I’ll always take care of you baby, we were born to love each other,” he pulls me in for a long greedy kiss.
It’s my first doctor’s appointment. Chase is right next to me, looking in awe at the little dot on the monitor. “She’s beautiful,” he whispers reverently. He is sure it is a little girl.
I laugh, which earns me a scowl. “Seriously Chase, I can’t even see anything,” I complain again. The doctor shows me for the third time and I nod and smile. I still don’t see him or her. I feel like Rachel on friends right now. I go home with a little ultrasound picture, and a very proud daddy. Chase is literally beaming, and it makes me so happy to see. I don’t know how I could have ever thought he wouldn’t want this child. I feel stupid in retrospect. Chase sticks the photo on the fridge, causing me to giggle.
“What?” he asks a slight trace of a smile on his lips.
“Aren’t you all domestic?” I tease.
“Why, because I stuck the photo on the fridge?”
I nod. I stare at him thoughtful, my eyebrows drawn.
“What is it angel?” he asks as he takes in my expression.
“I was just thinking,” I stare at the fridge, “soon it’s going to be artwork on the fridge.” I turn to him and smile, coming closer so we are nose to nose.
“Have I told you that I love you today?” he whispers.
“Yes, but I never get sick of hearing it,” I reply.
He kisses me then, deeply, sensually. He pulls back, stares into my eyes and says, “I love you, my life.”
I kiss him this time, hungrily, greedily. “I love you too. Now take me to bed.”
He does.
Chapter Thirty Two
Chase and I walk through the house; the door was unlocked as usual.
“Kade? James?” Chase yells.
“Hey, man,” Kade says as he walks out of his room, blonde hair loose and messy.
“Family meeting in the living room!” Chase says with a huge grin on his face. I chuckle. He’s so cute when he’s excited.
Kade shrugs and heads to the living room. I hear a car pull up out the front, it must be Nikki. Chase goes to get James and I wait for Nikki at the front door.
“Hey Layla, is everything okay?” She looks worried. Her auburn hair is tied in two braids, and she is wearing black tights with an off the shoulder green top. She looks cute.