“Okay, well he’s gone so come out and hang with me,” I demand.
“Okay,” she grumbles.
When we walk back out Chase is talking with my dad again. They both smile when they see me.
“What’s going on, you two?” I ask suspicious.
“Nothing,” they both say at the same time. Well okay then.
I see my cousins, Isabella, Giselle, and Liana flirting with Kade, and Nikki staring over from where she is talking with Ryder. I walk over to Ryder and give him my best evil eye.
“What’s going on here?” I demand.
“Just talking, cuz, relax,” Ryder says, kissing my temple.
I sigh, no one tells me anything. An hour or two later and I’m more than ready to leave. My mother is chatting and laughing with Chase. While she is doing this, I pack a shit load of food for James.
My mother comes over and gives me a hug. “I love him, Layla! He is perfect for you, you should have a summer wedding!” my mother beams.
Okay, time to go.
We say bye to everyone, my mother trying to get us to stay the night.
I respectfully decline.
We finally get into the car and drive off.
Chapter Twenty Eight
I walk out to the deck, when I hear voices, and am surprised to see Ryder sitting there having a beer with Chase and Kade. James must have gone somewhere.
“Hey baby girl,” Ryder says when he sees me.
“Ry, what are you doing here?” I walk over and give him a huge hug. I love my cousin.
“I came to see how these assholes were treating you,” is his reply. I glance over at Chase just in time to see his eyes flash.
“I’m fine, Ryder. I’m the princess of the house,” I give him a wink.
“She most definitely is,” Kade mumbles, giving me a crooked grin.
“You think I don’t know how to treat a woman?” Chase hisses with clenched teeth.
“I didn’t think that you did,” Ryder starts, “But I will admit that you are good to Layla, so that’s all that matters to me.”
Chase relaxes, and the tense atmosphere disintegrates. Ryder’s stormy gray eyes turn my way, and he gives me a small wink. Have I said that I love my cousin? He is wearing ripped jeans and a black button down shirt rolled up his elbows, showcasing his impressive tattoos. I know for a fact he designed all of them, Ryder is extremely talented. He is also in a band that plays local gigs. He and I hit karaoke bars together sometimes and have a good old time.
“Layla, have you baked anything? I’ve been craving your chocolate fudge brownies,” Ryder asks as he grabs himself another beer.
“No brownies, but I have some vanilla cupcakes. I’ll make you some brownies and drop them off at yours if you like though.” I get up and head into the kitchen. Sitting on the oven there is a try of cupcakes I had baked that morning. I bring the tray out and sit it in front of Ryder.
“Thanks, cuz,” he mumbles almost eating the cupcake whole.
Kade grabs one too. “Mmmm, Layla is the best person to live with, I swear,” Kade comments, taking another huge bite of cupcake.
Chase grabs my hips and pulls me onto his lap. We shoot the shit for a few hours before Ryder goes home. I love that him and Chase has sorted their shit out. Chase stands with me still in his lap, carries me to my room, and proceeds to show me just how well he knows how to treat a woman. Twice.