Chase tightens his fingers on my waist. I pull his hands off me and stand up, “You said you weren’t with her for a year or so, Chase.”
Chase stands up to. “We weren’t together anymore, but..”
“But he still wanted to fuck me.” She adds. Her input is seriously not welcome right now.
“Get the fuck out, Aubrey. You want to start shit, but guess what, I’m never going to get back with you, or fuck you, ever a fucking gain!” His voice is loud, and menacing.
He turns to me. “Baby I haven’t been with anyone since I met you, I haven’t wanted too! Aubrey gave me this whole fucking guilt trip about how we could just be friends, so I thought, why not? I didn’t know she was going to be a fucking bitch and start shit, trying to ruin my one fucking shot at happiness!”
He turns back to Aubrey, “Why are you fucking still standing there? Get the fuck out! And go back to Vegas, because your shows at Heat are done..”
“You can’t do that to me Chase! After what you and I went through? How can you just turn me out? Did she mean so fucking little to you?” Aubrey screams.
I watch the color drain from Chase’s face. His eyes grew haunted, his face pained. What the hell was that about?
Kade shows up, obviously hearing most of the argument. He looks at Aubrey at says, “I will escort you out.”
“Fuck you Kade!” she spits.
Kade chuckles, “No way in hell.” He takes her by the arm and shows her the door.
“A year. You said you hadn’t been with her in a year!” I almost whisper.
Chase shakes his head as if to clear it, to bring himself back from whatever he was thinking about.
“We stopped dating a year ago! After that, occasionally, we fucked! So what? You know I’ve slept with lots of women, Layla. They all meant nothing to me!” His eyes are pleading with mine, to understand, to forgive. “How long are you going to throw my past in my face?” He whispers, his voice pained.
I have no answer to that. “It just... hurts, Chase. You never tell me anything! You think I like hearing things like that from her? It makes me look stupid!” I move to leave the room.
“No fucking running, Layla!” he growls.
“I’m not running, Chase. I’m going to have a hot bath. I need to think.” He runs his hands through his hair, the black strands sticking out messily.
“Okay, baby, I’m going to go into work for a bit.”
“Don’t. Don’t call me that anymore.” I whisper out.
He walks towards me slowly, as if scared I will pull away. He kisses me forehead twice, tenderly.
“Please, be here when I get back. We can talk.” I nod, and he turns and leaves.
He turns around and looks at me expectantly.
“What was she talking about? Tha look on your face. I never want to see you look like that again.”
His eyes become distant, empty. “It was nothing.”
And with that, he leaves.
Chapter Twenty Two
I walk out in my fluffy bath robe, after a long bath. Kade is using his laptop, and he looks up as I walk in.
“Where’s James?” He has been noticeably absent recently.
“He’s busy.” He says vaguely.