Page 27 of Chase

“It’s the principle! They know not to touch my stash!”

Okay this is getting ridiculous.

“Chase! Bed now,” I hiss.

“Fine.” He sulks.

“I know it’s not a Twix, but I do have a Snickers bar in my handbag, if you are interested.”

He perks up. “Really?”

I giggle. “Come on.” I open my giant handbag and search for the chocolate bar. Chase is watching me eagerly, drumming his fingers impatiently. I purposely take my time finding it, laughing to myself as I finally pull it out from the bottom and hand it to him. He almost snatches it off me, and gives me a huge smile.

“You are the fucking best, Layla! I knew I loved that huge handbag filled with crap.”

He eats the chocolate bar with relish, brushes his teeth then comes back to bed.

“Night baby.” He kisses my neck.

“Night Chase,” I mumble back.


The next morning I text Nikki, I haven’t heard much from her since she was last here. We’ve texted a few times, but she has been too busy with school to drop by. Today was no different. Kade comes in and takes a seat beside me.

“What’s up princess?” He asks, as he sips on his coffee.

“I’m having Nikki withdrawals,” I grumble, “She hasn’t been coming over and I miss her.”

When I mention Nikki, I notice Kade still.

“Has she mentioned why she can’t come over?” His voice low.

“No, just says she’s busy with classes and stuff,” I sulk.

He seems lost in thought, then gets up and says he is going out for a bit.

Chapter Eleven

Two weeks later

It’s my day off and I’ve decided to do some volunteer work at the animal shelter. I’m a huge animal lover, and want to help out in any way I can. I’m about to leave the house when all three guys come out of the kitchen and ask me where I’m going.

“Going to the animal shelter to volunteer for a bit.” I say. All three guys stare, surprised.

“You’re so cute Laylay,” Kade says smirking.

“Hey, you’re breaking the rules using that name!” I say, annoyed. I really hate that stupid nickname.

“It was a slip! My bad,” Kade says, completely unapologetic.

“It’s your day off and you are going to the shelter? I thought we could go out for a movie or something,” Chase sulks.

I laugh, “You’re going to work, and I’m going to help.” I smile up at him; he sighs, leaning over and giving me a kiss.


I walk in and meet the man at reception, whose name is Gage. He’s about thirty five, with warm brown eyes and blonde hair. The shelter is in a large warehouse looking building.