Page 19 of Chase

Chase snuggled me closer into his side, kissed me on the forehead and said “Good. Come on let’s go and mingle.” He pulled me up off the bed, and walking hand in hand, we leave my room and head to the living area, where James is still sitting. He gives me a lopsided grin when he sees me, and Chase tightens his hand on mine and pulls me to sit in his lap. Why would Chase be so insecure about his own brother? There is definitely something I’m not getting here.

Nikki and Kade rejoin us, having no idea what drama they missed. Nikki looks sheepish, whilst Kade looks extremely satisfied. I waggle my eyebrows at Nikki and laugh while her face turns red, not a flattering color on her. Chase raises his eyebrows at the two, probably wondering how the hell that happened. I smile and bury my face into his chest.

Chapter Seven

A few hours later, I’m all dolled up and ready for dinner with Chase. Nikki went home after helping me pick out my outfit. I went with a red off the shoulder top and tight blue skinny jeans. Kade and James both went out, I have no idea where. Chase and I walk out to his car, and he opens the car door for me. Who knew chivalry wasn’t dead? Not me. As we sit in the car I ask him about his job.

“So, you’re a fancy architect?” He glances at me before answering.

“I don’t know about fancy, but yes I’m an architect.” That was all he offered me, so I didn’t pry any further. “What about you, what are you studying?” He takes my hand in his while I talk.

“I’m going to be a nurse.” I say proudly. I’ve wanted to be a nurse since I was a kid. I have always wanted a job where I could make a contribution to society. I want to be useful.

“I think you will be an excellent nurse. And you won’t have to massage any men anymore,” he grumbles.

I laugh.

“What’s your full name?” he asks.

“Layla Jane Crawford. You?”

He purses his lips before replying, “Chase Dean Jackson.” He glances over at me checking my reaction, I have no idea why, so I simply smile at him. He seems satisfied with my response, and I am left completely confused.

He takes me to a nice restaurant, not too fancy for which I am grateful. I hate those posh places. Dinner is delicious and everything is going wonderful, until a girl walks up to our table. I glance up first, to see her eyes solely on Chase. She is blonde, with a stunning figure, lots of makeup and fake boobs. She clears her throat until Chase finally notices her. He doesn’t look too thrilled to see her.

“Hi Chase, haven’t heard from you in a while,” She purrs. Chase glances at me, looking a little sheepish.

“Hi.. uhhh…” Shit, he can’t even remember her name. I’m now looking anywhere but at them. This is just awkward.

“Candy,” she supplies. Of course that’s her name.

“Right, Candy. I’m sorry, but I’m on a date right now,” He rumbles, his voice edging towards anger.

Like she hadn’t already noticed. I can’t believe there are actually girls out there like this, so forward. And apparently they don’t understand social cues.

“Oh, of course. I just wanted to come see you guys. Can I drop by this week?”

You have got to be kidding me.

Chase scowls at her, patience waning. “I don’t think so. Bye Candy.”

“Oh come on, remember how much fun we had? Give me a call when you’ve had enough of this one,” she motions at me, gives me an evil look and struts away before Chase can say anything more.

I stare at my plate like it holds the answers to life’s mysteries.

“Fuck, Layla, I’m sorry,” he says, looking worried.

“It’s fine.” I mumble. Except it wasn’t, but what else am I supposed to say. He stares at me for a little while, he looks like he wants to say more, but he just sighs and calls for the bill. He takes my hand and leads me to the car, opens the door for me, kisses my forehead, then waits for me to get in before closing the door. The drive is silent for a few moments and I can see him gathering his thoughts.

“Layla, I wasn’t a saint before I met you,” I almost snort, “and I’m not going to apologize for that.”

Okay this conversation is so not going how I expected.

“I am sorry, however, that you had to see that. The thing is, I have a past, and that past not only led me to you, but it also allowed me to recognize exactly what I want and need in a woman, and be able to appreciate a good woman when I see one. And you baby, are a diamond in the rough.” Okay that was sweet. “I have sown my oats and I’m now ready to move onto something bigger and better. So are we good?” I nod. “Good.” Replies in the softest voice I have heard him use.

We arrive home and I jump in the shower and change into my satin pajama shorts and cami. It really is weird knowing Chase is just down the hall. I walk into the lounge room to see the three guys laughing and playing video games. Chase looks my way and he takes in my attire. I see his eyes narrow slightly and his nostrils flair. He drops his controller, grabs my hand and pulls me into his room.

“Baby, don’t wear such sexy shit like that in front of anyone but me, okay?” I didn’t even realize this was considered ‘sexy shit’ but whatever.