Page 37 of Chase

L: You okay?

S: Yes! I’m already seeing someone new ;)

L: We need to catch up soon!

S: Yes we do, I’ll call you. Mwah xx

I giggle. My cousin is a firecracker.

Since I’m home alone, I start dancing to One Direction- Kiss, you while I vacuum and mop all the floors. I do a little grinding move, step back and land on someone. I scream and turn around, grabbing the mop as a weapon. I see all three brothers staring there, laughing. I walk to my dock and turn the music off.

“Give a woman a little warning around here!” I growl, embarrassed.

Chase’s eyes are soft of mine. “We were enjoying the show babe.” His dimple is out in all its glory.

Kade lifts up his phone. “I’ve got it recorded if you want to see. My favorite part is you using the mop as a microphone.” He erupts in laughter again.

I groan. “You show anyone that Kade, and I swear! I will be the biggest cock block the next time your lady friends come over!”

That causes James to crack up laughing again. These men! Chase kisses me and gives me a curious look.

“Why are you cleaning? You know we have someone come in once a week or so.”

I frown. “What is she, a fairy? I’ve never seen anyone here before.”

This causes all three of them to chuckle, although why I have no idea.

“She comes on Monday mornings. I think you have classes then.”

I do indeed have classes then. I guess that makes sense. Chase pulls me mop away from me and pulls me into his arms.

“So, I didn’t know you were a One Direction fan,” he says, voice on the verge of laughter.

“I am not a One Direction fan!” I say defensively.

“Then how come you have heaps of their songs on your iPod?” Kade barks out merrily as he snoops through my IPod! Argh!

“I plead the fifth!” I say adamantly. They all laugh.

“You can dance like that all you want though.” Chase mumbles through a crooked grin.

“Hopefully to better music next time,” James adds.

I bury my face in Chase’s chest and sigh.


I get home from my doctor’s appointment; I’m finally on birth control. That’s one less worry for me, and in a week from now we can stop using condoms. Chase was going away to Sydney on business tomorrow. He had avoided it as long as possible, but now he had an important meeting he couldn’t miss. I was going to visit my parents for the weekend, coming back on Sunday. Chase was only going for a night, coming back on Friday. It sucked but it was what it was, I’m sure we could survive a few days apart. I was cooking some lunch when James walked in, coming over to me and kissing me on the head. Both guys treated me like their little sister, it was adorable. He started snooping around the kitchen.

“James, taste this.” I hand out the spoon to him, and he takes a taste.

He groans, “It’s good.”

“It will be ready in about five minutes.”

“Love you living here.” He grins.

I scoff. “Are you sure? I’m pretty sure you guys are limiting your sexual exploits because of me.” I was just guessing, but James’ blush answered my question.