Page 21 of Chase

Chapter Eight

I wake up to an empty bed. The man is sneaky. I have a quick shower and jump into my skull onesie. Yes, it’s that kind of day. I have nothing to do today, except stay at home and study. I shove my hair into a messy bun, and slip on my leopard print house slippers. Yes, I am sexy today. I grab my laptop and books and head to the dining table, ready to get my study on. I leave everything on the table and head for the kitchen, where I can hear Chase, Kade and James.

“Mornin’” I say cheerfully, heading to the fridge for a glass of apple juice.

Chase eyes my outfit and blinks. Kade grins, “You will get used to her weird outfits don’t worry,” he says with a chuckle. I glance over at Chase as he frowns. I have the feeling he doesn’t like the fact that his brothers know me better than he does. I guess only time can remedy that. James is looking distracted, eyes on his phone.

“Everything okay James?”

He glances up and gives me an easy smile. “Yeah, just some work stuff.” He walks over and kisses me on the forehead.

“You look cute,” he says in a singsong voice. I hear Chase growl.

“Why thank you, James,” I tell him.

Chase stomps over and gives me a firm kiss on my mouth. When he pulls away, he looks smug, shooting his brothers a glare. “Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes, why don’t you take a seat?” he gestures to the breakfast bar stools. I take a seat and watch while Chase cooks breakfast. Kade is making coffee; James is now making some sort of healthy shake in the blender. Chase pours me a coffee and sits in down in front of me, along with the pancakes he made.

“Layla doesn’t drink coffee,” Kade says instantly. It’s true, I don’t. Chase’s chin jerks up and something flickers in his eyes. He takes the coffee and practically slams it in the sink, before storming off to his room. James and I both stare at Kade. Kade and James are trying to fight laughter. And failing.

“What? You don’t!” Kade says, shrugging. I groan. Time for damage control. I get up and make my way to Chase’s room. I knock on his door, but no answer. I listen and can faintly hear the shower running. I sigh, and head back to the kitchen to finish my pancakes. They are delicious. By the time Chase walks back out, I’m attempting to study, which really is code for me online shopping.

“Hey,” he says, still looking slightly agitated.

“Hey, you over your tantrum?” I tease.

“Layla..” he admonishes, “I don’t like it.” I know exactly what he is referring to. He doesn’t like the fact that we are.. Whatever we are... yet his brothers know me better and have spent much more time with me.

“You would have met me earlier if you came out of your room after you kicked that woman out,” I say, not helping at all.

Chase growls. “That’s it! We are spending all our time together. Every. Single. Minute!”

“Should I drop out of university?” I ask, trying to keep a straight face.

“Layla..” He says before giving me a punishing kiss.

“We should start right now,” I suggest, “I have this huge assignment, that I need to hand in for the first day of class. We could do it together!”

I’m a genius.

Chase laughs huskily, “Nice try Layla. Besides, I’m pretty sure Ebay isn’t studying.” He kisses me once more, before walking out of the room. I groan loudly.

Study time.


Chase is finally getting his massage. He is on his stomach, on my bed, and I’m drizzling oil onto his back. I work my way from his elbow up to his shoulder, massaging his tattoo. “You’re tattoo is so sexy,” I blurt out, checking out the tribal prints and patterns that adorn half his arm.

“I’m glad you approve,” he rumbles quietly.

I move up to his neck and shoulders, and Chase groans. The sound is pure sex, and I clear my throat. This man is too fine for his own good. After about twenty minutes I’m done, and Chase has fallen asleep. I giggle. He is so adorable. I place a kiss on his cheek, covering his body with my black sparkly bed cover. I do a little reading while he naps. He deserves his rest, his phone is always ringing, and he never gets peace like this. I lie next to him, and eventually fall asleep.

That night I get dolled up. Chase is taking me out somewhere. I stare in the mirror, and check over my hair and makeup. My hair is down and in crimped waves, parted down the middle. I’m wearing a gold Grecian headband over my forehead. I’ve gone with my trademark red lips and winged eyeliner, adding a little gold shimmer. My black chiffon flowy dress completes my ethereal look. I walk out and get catcalls from Kade and James.

“Layla! I wanna lay ya!” Yells out Kade. He does a little obscene grinding thrusting move with his pelvis.

Well, hell.

“You couldn’t handle this, Kade!” I banter.