Page 56 of Ciao Bella

He’d been acting.

It still stung.

But there was more to the story, and I had no more brain power to try to solve the puzzle he kept throwing in front of me.

I just wanted my kiss.

I wanted what was owed to me for my sacrifice—but most of all, I wanted my power and I wanted it to be my choice.

Ivan was powerful beneath me, all golden skin and sinewy muscles spread across his stomach and flexed biceps as he kept his hands to himself. His half-hooded gaze screamed sex, and he wasn’t hiding anything from the waist down.

I let myself look my fill.

He was mine. after all, even if he was the worst human being on the planet—he was mine.

“Tell me.” I pressed my palms against his chest.

He exhaled a fuck, or maybe it was duck, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t thinking about ducks in that moment. “Yes?”

“What feels good to you?”

He swallowed slowly. “Are you sure you want this?”

I nodded. “Give me something for taking everything, Ivan.”

“So, you want my body and soul, is that it?” he rasped.

“I’ll take what I can get.” I dug my nails into his skin, his muscles flexed—his entire body flexed. “So, how do I touch you?”

“Grab me.” He bit down on his lower lip. “Not too hard, not too soft, don’t break me, move your hand—”

I was already following instructions perfectly.

“Yup, that works, that’s nice.”

“Nice?” I gripped him harder; he was stiff as steel, massive. “Are you sweating?”

“No.” He shook his head. “Just really hot right now, trying to focus.”

“On my hand?”

“Sure, your hand.” He opened his eyes. “Now watch me take in the pleasure of your hands on me and do whatever you want.”

I looked down at my phone. “A lot can happen in eight minutes.”

“It’s only been two minutes?” He seemed horrified.

I grinned. “Sorry, I miscounted, it’s only been ninety seconds.”

If looks could kill, I would be dead on the spot.

“So…“ I pretended not to notice. “I just pleasure you, like this…” I moved my hand faster, squeezed harder only to relent just when he looked like he was going to embarrass himself. “Right?”


“Was that a question?”
