Page 29 of Ciao Bella

Wow, even the Russian boss decided to fly in from Seattle, must have been a red-eye.

Ivan saluted them with the knife before putting it back across my throat. “You were almost late.”

“What.” Ash’s voice cracks. “The hell did you do!”

Ivan’s laugh was bitter. “What I was told… isn’t that how the rules work? A boss tells you to do something and you do it, are you angry that I did it well or that I did it under this roof? Either way, what’s done is done, now if you don’t mind, I’m going to take Bella back to campus.”

“Like hell you are!” Ash roared, his eyes were crazed, they were red like he’d been up all night.

All of the guys looked angry enough to set the house on fire, but beneath that anger was such deep grief that the air felt thick with it.

I thought about the blood on Ivan.

About the questions. And then I very slowly turned my head toward Serena, who was still rolling her eyes like the guys were messing around. My gaze fell to Bam-Bam. Sickness took over; it wrapped itself around my throat so tight that all I could do was whimper.

Maksim took a step toward me.

I shook my head.

His sharp blue eyes darted to Bam-Bam, then back to me, then to Serena. He was doing what he always did when he was in a serious situation. He defaulted to his other personality; he basically didn’t feel. Right now he was doing the math, but he would come up with zero every time.

I shook my head again.

He clenched his teeth, eyes cold.

King very slowly walked over to Serena and pulled her against him. “I’m going to need you to be very calm right now. Do you understand?”

It’s like she knew the minute he said that, that something was very wrong.

“Bam-Bam is watching your every move,” King said tightly. “I need you to take him from the room while we deal with Ivan and your sister and then”—his voice cracked—“I need you to be very strong for me, can you do that, Serena? Can you be the strongest you’ve ever been in this moment?”

Tears pooled in my sister’s blue eyes as he lifted her chin. “Yes.”

King pulled her in for a tight hug. “I need you to prepare for the funeral and then I need you to call all of our parents and tell them word for word what I’m about to say.”

My knees buckled. Ivan held me back against him.

I hated him so much.

I hated him more than I’ve ever hated.

Something was very wrong.

Something that would affect me for my entire life.

Something I would never come back from.

My breaths came in short gasps, too short. Ivan moved his hand from my neck down to my chest and pressed down like he was trying to help me breathe.

I wanted to bat him away, but I had no strength, because I knew that look in King’s eyes, I’d seen it before. I knew him; he was my cousin, he was the Capo.

And he had just been dealt a blow that would affect this Family forever.

Sometimes you just know.

I braced myself.

“Serena, please tell your father to come here immediately to make preparations, invite Phoenix, Sergio, Chase, Dante, Tank, Andrei, and my father, then let them know that they will need to bring the med kits. Sergio will need to bring heavy sedation, can you do that?”