Page 15 of Ciao Bella

Junior coughed out a “He, like literally, killed one of his cousins, so… I’m just going to leave on those very encouraging parting words.”

“Asshole.” Ash growled. “It was a direct order.”

“Blood… must be spilled.” Junior agreed. “Oh, and that includes you two, don’t think we’ll give you a soft pass just because you’re Family, even you, Bella. You have one job, don’t be assholes. We’re trying to keep you alive, but you will be dead if you don’t get with the program.”


“Pretend to give up and you just might…”—King Campisi


I wasn’t quite sure how long we lay there after the stomping down the hall stopped, you know, paired with students fainting in the hall. At least that’s how I imagined it, like they were some sort of mafia Elvises.

Shit, what a psychotic pair.

Bella was still next to me, the blanket half on my, er… um, half-naked body. I mean, I had on black tight briefs, so the size of the lower half of my body didn’t traumatize her—even in the dark, but that was it.

And being a guy kind of went like this: Oh look, legs. Huh, boobs, a waist, look hands, nose, oh damn it, mouth, soft, hateful, puffy wet little mouth, and then the final downfall…

A stunningly, sickeningly, beautiful pink tongue. What was it about her pink tongue that set me on fire? I was pissed as I stared at the way she licked at her lips, the same way she was pissed at the way I’d randomly pinched her on the hips with my fingertips. She burned to murder me in those moments and my fingers burned to do it again just to see how far I could push her, feeling anything while you were in the mafia and as young as we both were—sometimes meant everything.

Still lost in my little fantasy of annoying her, a sharp elbow came at me right near my spleen, sending me coughing to the other side of the bed while taking the covers with me. “Why?”

“Because you’re breathing,” she hissed and stomped back over to her side, why was she walking so loud? What was the point? To torture the people on the floor below us or to prove something to me, like the fact that she knew how to use every part of her body, including her feet, to torture other people? I stretched my arms high then glanced over my right shoulder, she was still in short shorts and a tank top as if I wouldn’t stare even if she was the devil. Hello, college guy, all I thought was ass and thighs, I was in no position to think about her poisoned heart and lack of soul.

“You know…” I grinned, crossing my arms over my naked chest and flopping onto my back, making the mattress springs let out a little squeak of triumph, bet she’d never heard that sound before. “College is the time to experiment and instead of doing that you’re just the same old… boring, Abandonato youngest, who hasn’t even drawn blood in oh I don’t know, at least a year, have you lost your touch?” I jerked up and gave her a teasing wink. “Or did you just need something to touch because you’re such a prude? I think sometimes…” I turned away toward the wall. “…the best path to take is the one not walked or in your case…” I licked my lips and put my hands behind my head again. “Unridden.”

God, it felt good to feel the intensity of murder swirling around the thick air of that small dorm room, I could almost taste it.

I waited for her retort, then waited again.

Confused, I slowly turned to my right and threw my body back against the wall when all five foot seven of Bella Abandonato stood in front of me wearing nothing, but a black sports bra and black boy cut briefs that left her ass on perfect display.

She leaned down and smacked me on the cheek hard enough to leave a mark—twice, she really didn’t need to do it twice. She glared then, evoking a hundred fantasies about anyone as gorgeous as her, she snapped her red scrunchie against her wrist then wrapped her silky dark hair inside it.

“Oh, Ivan, sweet, baby Ivan, when will you ever learn? Abandonatos, we always finish last.” She eyed my dick and shrugged. “Too bad you’ll always finish first, and I don’t mean that in a ‘yay, I won’ sort of way’ because finishing early is never good. I’m gonna go shower now. Get your shit together before I’m forced to get it together for you, we have orientation and I’d hate to make it so you had to limp down the hall.”

I opened my mouth to speak when she turned away, only to turn back and shove me against the bed. “Actually, I dream about it, so maybe think twice before insulting me. I can”—the fingertips of her right hand itched up my thigh—“end you with one, little.” She snapped. “Second, kind of like how I imagine every wonderful sexual encounter you’ve ever had begins and ends.”

She blew me a kiss and walked out the door, grabbing my damn shower caddy instead of hers—she even took my Yoda towel. How cruel could a woman be? I fell back against my pillow and cursed. “I’m going to kill her.”

My body pulsed. “NO!” I shouted and pointed at the lower part of it. “Never! That’s the plague where there is no cure, plus, she’s from the family that killed them all.”

I jumped out of bed and stared at her pink bathrobe and just decided to own it as I grabbed her pink shower caddy and jerked open the door and walked down the hall.

A few girls gasped when they walked out of their rooms, I just pointed the blue loofah at them with my other hand and managed to open my robe. “Don’t worry ladies, not everything’s a weapon, or is it?”


“In the mafia, one thing remains true every single time. Insanity turns into normalcy, your best bet is to accept your fate and just know, eventually you will lose your shit, and it will most likely be in the most epic, down in flames, sort of way. How exciting, so much to look forward to!” —King Campisi


He was driving me crazy.

And if he didn’t stop humming behind me, I was going to suddenly stop and pray he broke his jaw on the back of my head and then tripped. “Pick a different song to hum.”

He’d gone from Purple Rain to Baby Got Back, followed by a hilarious, not, rendition of Staying Alive by the Bee Gees.