Page 103 of Ciao Bella

“Fourteen,” Nixon grunted. “Wait.” He scratched his head. “If she’s under De Lange—that means not under Abandonato…”

Oh shit, he was mathing too fast, and I was already injured and losing blood.

“You could touch her—you son of a—”

I started half running, half limping toward her, yelling, “Shield wall.” The entire way.

She just blankly stared at me.

“What part of shield wall don’t you get?” I roared.

She sidestepped me. “The part where I offer to be your shield when you shot me without warning me.”

“Fair,” I snapped. “Now save me, tell him I love you or something.”

Bella grinned and pointed at me, then yelled to her dad, “Guess who might be a grandpa soon?”

My eyes widened.

“Oh, I’d run if I were you.” Bella winked. “Ciao, Ivan.”


“Let the dead stay that way and let the living—live.” —King Campisi


“Come on.” I dragged her through the house as much as I could with both of us still recovering from our injuries. “Nobody will notice we’re gone.”

“You ran into two chairs just to walk me down the hall.” She laughed and pressed a kiss to my cheek. We stumbled against the wall in our suite on campus.

We were supposed to be having a party, but everyone was exhausted, even King was yawning like he needed a nap. It had been a week since everything went down.

I think at this point everyone needed therapy after seeing a ghost like that, and at least the whole white horse missing thing made sense.

Come to find out, one of my men stole it and handed it over to her. She’d been toying with us for a while, bit by bit, until it was time for her big reveal, whatever that was going to be.

I, for one, think she was plagued by guilt and jealousy.

Doctors said she actually suffered some brain damage from her accident-causing severe headaches and paranoia.

It kind of made sense that the part of your brain that feels empathy was more than likely damaged in the process as well.

All she felt was rage.

And now all she’d stare at would be prison walls with nobody to talk to but herself.

“Come on.” I pulled open our bedroom door. “They’re watching a movie and having wine, they won’t even hear us.”

“They’ll hear you.” Bella laughed. “I’m quiet.”

“You’re not!”

“Last night I—”

“Last night you probably woke up half of the campus.”

“They should invest in noise canceling headphones like the rest of our Family does.”