“Oh, I got lucky.” He slowly nodded.
No longer able to hold back, I let disgust draw itself up all over my face as I parted my twisted lips. “I had no idea you were that disgusting, Travis!” I hissed. Without waiting for his response, I turned right round and reached for my empty duffel bag in the corner, angrily grabbing it.
Humiliation bubbled up inside me as I imagined all the things he could do with that footage. Because of the bad lighting and terribly old camera, Nathan’s face and mine weren’t at all recognizable. Still, my blood boiled as I thought of the people who would still find this ‘adult material’ arousing.
I heard Travis’ footsteps behind me as I grabbed my shirt from off the clothes line. “You’re angry?” he shouted. “You’re angry?”
Swiftly turning to face him, I yelled, “You’re a fucking perv!”
“Oh, I’m the perv.” He poked at his chest with his index finger. “Why wouldn’t you get a fuckin’ room like a normal person?”
“Why don’t you drop dead?” I shouted, turning away as I picked up my slippers and stuffed them into the bag. “I don’t owe you… or anyone else, a fucking thing.”
“No, you’re right.” He let out an embittered scoff. “I offer you a room, free of charge… I introduce you to my best friends—”
“And what?” I spun on my heel, feeling ready to punch him in the nose. “Suddenly, I owe you?” I felt my head about to burst with the loud scream. “Newsflash! You’re the one who offered. I never asked! And you’re—”
“I get it.” He threw his arms in the air. “I did it all. You never asked for this.”
“I don’t even know what this is anymore!”
“This is me… finding out what a fuckin’ who—”
“Don’t you dare!” I interrupted him, lifting up a warning finger. My heart was pounding so violently inside my chest that I thought it was about to explode. Was it rage? Fear? Both?
Yes, I was afraid.
Picking up my bag, I bolted past him toward the door. Just as my fingers clasped the knob, I heard him blurt out, “I like you!”
Fixed in place like a statue, my hand remained on the doorknob as I negotiated with myself to turn and look at him. I wanted nothing more than to feel safe in that moment, and if he was telling the truth, then he didn’t want to hurt me.
Finally, I filled my lungs with air and slowly turned around, my eyes landing immediately on his hands that were relaxed next to him. As he shrugged, he lifted them up only slightly. “I thought it was just a stupid crush, but every time you texted or called… every time you came around… I knew it wasn’t goin’ away.”
I tried to keep my expression serious and my tone steady. “How long?”
“Ever since we met?” He shook his head like it was a confession he’d been waiting to make.
Feeling slightly sympathetic, I swallowed against the tight feeling in my throat. “How come you never told me?”
“I was… wonderstruck?” His titter and the look in his eyes then revealed a great deal of heart-wrenching disappointment. “What did I know? You’re just like everybody else… a sellout.”
“Excuse me?”
“C’mon, Sof!” He took a step back, flailing his arms like he had nothing to prove. “He’s a known billionaire.”
“By all means, act dumb. I don’t give a shit.” He turned away, opening the fridge and pulled out a bottle of juice.
“I didn’t take a penny from that guy!”
He turned to me with raised eyebrows as his hand twisted open the cap. “Oh, I thought you don’t owe me an explanation!”
Lost for words, I gritted my teeth.
How did one strike a balance between being free and not being misunderstood? The last thing I wanted was to hurt Travis’ feelings, but then again, he was stabbing mine with sharp words like they didn’t matter. I knew he was hurting, but where should I draw the line?
“I know you’re not gonna believe me, but I didn’t know the extent of his wealth.” I paused, moving the bag from my right hand to my left. “And none of this justifies you watching, so…”