“We’ll have to find some time later to catch up. You two go enjoy your dessert together,” Jules ordered.
I gave my sister one last look of approval before ushering Skye away toward a seat. “I’m so excited to try this,” she bubbled, practically bouncing out of the chair.
“Well, don’t let me delay you any longer. I think you’re going to love it.”
Skye placed a bite of the lemon zucchini bread on her fork, brought it to her mouth, and said, “Happy birthday, Cooper.”
I placed my hand on her thigh and gave her an appreciative squeeze in response, since I’d just taken my own bite of the bread. Never taking my eyes off of her, I watched as Skye delighted in that single taste.
“Oh my God,” she groaned. “That’s the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted.”
I let out a laugh, feeling something hit the center of my chest. From the moment I met Skye, I had this instinct there was something special about her. I didn’t have much to base it on; maybe it was just a hunch. But as time went on and I spent more time with her, I started getting the confirmation I hadn’t been wrong.
My only hope now was that she’d find a way to consider what I’d asked her last night and decide to give us a chance to explore something more than just a friendship that had sexual tension bursting at its seams.
For the next few hours, we enjoyed cake, two more pieces of lemon zucchini bread, and tons of fun and conversation with my family and friends. My mom and grandmother also took Skye on a tour of the grounds, leaving me behind to celebrate with everyone else. Even though I wanted to spend every moment I could with her, Skye seemed keen on doing the tour with them on her own. And I thought that was another step in the right direction.
There had been a noticeable change in Skye’s demeanor from the moment we arrived until the second we said goodbye. She’d grown much more comfortable being around them, and I was desperately hoping we’d all made a good impression on her, even if that hadn’t been the purpose of the party.
It would have been the ultimate birthday wish granted if I didn’t have to take Skye home, but I wasn’t quite that lucky.
For now, I had no choice but to be grateful for the time she’d given to me today and hope that there would come a time when I could leave a function like this or the one last night, and the two of us would be spending the night in one of our beds wrapped up in each other.
Long before I was ready for it to happen, I had arrived back at Skye’s place.
I walked her to her door, where she didn’t hesitate to open it up and step inside. “Do you want to come in for a minute so I can get your cupcakes for you to take home with you?”
More time? I’d take any additional second she’d allow me to have with her. “Oh, right. Yeah, I can come in.”
I stepped inside and followed behind her toward the kitchen, my eyes quickly and easily drifting down to her ass on the way and recalling the way it looked in her bikini for the majority of the day today.
We made it to the kitchen, where Skye presented me with a container to carry the cupcakes home in. They were already packaged up and ready to go. “Don’t you want to keep any here for you?”
She shook her head. “No. No, if I have them here, I’ll eat those for breakfast instead of something that’s better for me. Plus, I made them for you, so I want you to have them.”
I tipped my head to the side and smiled at her. “Okay. But I don’t think it’s a problem to have a cupcake occasionally for breakfast.”
“Not tomorrow.”
“Why not?”
Staring at me with such disbelief in her expression, she asked, “Did you not see what I ate today? I’ve had enough baked goods to last me for the rest of the month.”
I stepped forward, closing the distance between us. “Skye, sweetheart, you are breathtaking. You have a gorgeous body, and I struggled not to touch you more than I did today.”
“You’re being sweet.”
“I’m being honest,” I insisted, feeling a touch of tension course through me. I genuinely loved everything about the way Skye looked, so it irritated me to think she thought she was anything less than perfect.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“You can ask me anything,” I answered.
She took a deep breath and exhaled before she said, “I understand if you have to work or already have plans, but I closed my store on Tuesday for the 4th of July holiday. I don’t close the store frequently, but I do on certain holidays. If you’re free at any point throughout the day, I’d love to spend some time together.”