Page 38 of The Feud

Kat turns the mare over to Carmen and they head off toward her stall, Sylvie walking beside Carmen. “How long have you been riding?” I hear Sylvie ask but don’t hear Carmen’s response. All that matters to me is that they’re talking.

“Want to join us for ice cream?” Michelle asks.

I turn her way, glancing at Marcie briefly, then looking down at my watch. I have so much work to do but damn if I can’t stop thinking about how beautiful Marcie is and what a good time I had with her the other night. It goes against everything I stand for as a solitary, relationship-averse man with more work than enough hours in the day.

But surely an ice cream couldn’t hurt. I can work late tonight.

The door to the office opens and Trey stands at the threshold. “Ethan.”

Something about Trey’s tone raises my hackles and as I turn that way, I see why. Just behind Trey is Gabe Mardraggon, decked out in a navy designer suit.

I glance back toward where the girls are turning the corner around the southern end of the stalls and am grateful that Sylvie doesn’t know her uncle is here. I take in Gabe’s expression—flat and grim. I figure he’s here to give me shit about the run-in I had with his mother three days ago. I’ve honestly been expecting to hear from Lionel, considering I threatened the man.

Ice cream is now out of the question, and I hold up an index finger to Trey to indicate I’ll be there in a moment. Trey nods, shutting the office door.

Turning to Michelle and Marcie, I say, “I’m sorry. I’ve got someone here I need to talk to so I won’t be able to join you.” My gaze cuts to Marcie. “Rain check?”

She blushes and fuck, if it doesn’t make her even prettier. “Yeah… sure.”

I nod with a smile and pivot for the office. I stiffen my spine and straighten my shoulders, prepared for a fight.

Gabe manages to keep the sneer on his face to a non-punchable level as I enter, pulling the door behind me.

The door doesn’t close as Kat barrels in right on my heels—siblings rallying for support. I step all the way through to let Kat in and just as the door shuts, I ask, “What are you doing here?”

Standing casually with his hands tucked in his pockets, Gabe says, “We need to talk privately.”

Kat crosses her arms over her chest, glaring at Gabe. “I’m not leaving.”

“Neither am I,” Trey says, settling into the chair behind the desk and throwing his booted feet back on top.

“This is as private as it’s going to get,” I say, my arms stretched outward to indicate the space we’re in. I’m not going to chase them out, although I certainly don’t need them at my back. But they want to be here and so they’ll stay.

Gabe’s eyes cut to Kat for only a second before coming back to me. “You had some words with my mother the other day.”

I scoff. “Your point?”

Jaw tightening, Gabe says, “I don’t like them, nor do I appreciate you interfering with our relationship with Sylvie.”

“Relationship?” Kat sneers. “You people don’t love Sylvie. You only want to use her for some nefarious gain.”

Gabe’s eyes turn glacial as he apprises my sister. “And what exactly would that be?”

Kat snorts, tossing her long black braid over her shoulder to hang down her back. “Haven’t figured it out yet but given you’re a Mardraggon, I’m sure it’s evil.”

“Listen, little girl,” Gabe snarls, his lip peeling upward.

“Little girl,” Kat shrieks, taking a step forward as if she’s going to pummel the man’s face, and that jolts me out of complacency.

I turn and hold up a palm to Kat. “Don’t. We have customers in the barn,” I warn.

Kat raises her hands in surrender. “Fine. Not my place, but if you want my opinion, I think you and Trey should just take him outside and beat the shit out of him. Give him a few good kicks from me.”

Gabe is a big guy, standing as tall as both me and Trey. Despite his fancy suit, he was a brawler when we played football against each other. His smile at Kat is feral, revealing his teeth. “I’d gladly take them both on but I’m not sure about you, Hell Kat. You could give a man a run for his money.”

“As if I’d even share the air you breathe,” she huffs. “You’re beneath me.”

“Kat,” I grumble, pointing toward the door. “Just go.” I turn to Gabe. “Talk to my sister like that again, and you’ll lose some teeth.”