Pivoting my body to face her, I winked. Thea’s eyebrows lifted, her mouth forming a question. Before she could broach it, I dropped to my knees, bowing my head. “Queen,” I said, smiling around the word. “I offer my life, my body in your service. I will protect and serve you until death and beyond.”

Sorrow filled her eyes at my words, and I knew she was thinking about earlier–that the until-death part held new meaning to both of us.

Everyone watched us carefully, their masks removed. But somehow I knew enemies lurked behind many of the friendly faces. No one could be trusted. Not with a new queen on the throne. Not with magic surging through our veins.

Her eyes met mine and held for a moment, her sorrow transforming into fierce determination. Let them come for us, and they would find out why she wore that crown.

I reached out, my dark magic wrapping around her light, and took her hand, lifting it to my lips. “Long live the Queen.”



My Queen.

Past the blood that stained her gown, under her sharp weariness, I saw proof of what I’d always known. She was a Queen. No longer only in my eyes but in the eyes of every magical creature in our world. She glowed as if the sun burned inside her, as though the world itself centered around her being. Her hand tightened around mine, and I could feel her magic pulsating through her skin. It was wild and free, like a storm brewing on the horizon.

Tears glistened in her eyes as she looked upon me—as she understood why I knelt before her. Her mate. Her protector. I pledged my allegiance, letting them see that I worshipped at her feet and a move against her was a move against me. I could sense the power coursing through both our veins—her light and my dark feeding off of each other, and I knew that together there was nothing we couldn’t face. The crown on Thea’s head shimmered in the light, a symbol of her power, and I felt a surge of pride.

“Long live the Queen.” I allowed my voice to carry through the stone chamber.

A few creatures behind us echoed the sentiment.

“Get up,” Thea said to me through gritted teeth.

“As you wish.” I couldn’t help smirking again. I rose to my feet, still holding her hand, never wanting to let go, and faced the crowd of onlookers. They were all silent, their eyes fixed on the two of us. They were all waiting for our next move, waiting to see how the new Queen and her mate would take control. A few vampires watched with darting eyes, assessing, searching for a hint of weakness in their new Queen. But Thea was far from weak, and she would prove herself.

For now, I just needed her in my arms.

My mother approached the dais, her lips curled back in feral rage. “She cannot be Queen.”

A growl rumbled deep in my chest. No one would touch her. Not even my own blood.

“She has been chosen,” Mariana called out in response. “Anyone who doesn’t agree should leave.” I don’t think I imagined the slight look she cast at Zina as if she was daring her other sister to desert her throne.

Everyone stayed in place until, at last, my mother drew a deep breath and stalked from the room. I waited for my brothers and father to follow. Each of them looked torn, and then Thea spoke to them, “Go after her. She is our family.”

It was more respect than my mother would have extended her if their situations were reversed. My father inclined his head, relief washing the tension from his shoulders. “My Queen.”

My brothers followed suit. Lysander and Sebastian barely contained their snickers as they addressed her. After they were gone, Mariana cleared her throat. “There is much to discuss.” She looked between us, her features softening. “But it can wait until the morning. You should rest and allow your powers to settle.”

A small ball of light formed in her palm. It danced toward us, and she sighed with satisfaction to find her magic working. “This will take you to your new quarters.”

Thea blinked with surprise, but collected herself quickly. “Thank you.”

But even as she spoke, she swayed slightly on her feet. Calling on that powerful magic had drained her. Instinct took over, and I forgot about the crown and her new status. All I cared about was attending to my mate. I swept her into my arms and carried her away, following that ball of light as it led us deeper into the court.

Thea looped her arm around my neck and nuzzled into it. “Where are we going?”

“Somewhere with a lock,” I promised her. “And a bath.” I needed to get her out of these bloody clothes. My dick twitched, registering its interest in this scheme.

I ignored it until she said, “And a bed?”

“As you wish, Your Majesty,” I promised her.

Thea stuck her tongue out, and something primal roared inside me. “That’s the idea.”

She paused, sucking in a shuddering breath, and when her eyes met mine, they were bright with need. “Stop talking and take me to bed.”