Page 77 of Honor Code

"Yeah, and she was the one who suggested to Ellie they go up on deck during the storm. That's when Ellie would have been swept overboard if Billy hadn't stepped in."

"Fucking hell," Boomer growled. "Why does it always happen to me?"

"You certainly know how to pick 'em," Blade remarked dryly.

"What happened with Henderson?" Phoenix focused on anything that would prevent him from freaking out with worry.

"He's in police custody," Pat said tersely. "Bastard's trying to cut a deal by giving up the other members of the organization."

"Typical," Phoenix grunted. "He deserves to rot in hell for what he's done."

"A representative from Xonex has arrived," Pat continued. "They're going to sue the survey company as well as Gilded Futures over the fake reports and corporate espionage. The damages could run into millions."

"Glad to hear it," Phoenix said, raking a hand through his hair. Shit, he really needed to know how she was doing. Had they gotten to her in time?

Was the antidote working?

He spun around as the doctor, a competent-looking woman in a white surgical coat, emerged. "How is she, doc?"

"We've successfully administered the antidote. Ellie is expected to make a full recovery," she declared.

Relief crashed into him, and he put one hand out against the wall. "Thank God."

Boomer thumped him on the back. "That's great news!"

Pat and Blade were both grinning from ear to ear.

"You can see her now if you'd like," the doctor offered, her hand warm on his shoulder.

He jumped up and followed her to Ellie's room. The heart monitor beeped a steady rhythm, a sound that was suddenly the most precious in the world.

Her eyes fluttered open as he entered.

"Hey." He took her hand. "You gave me quite a scare."

"Tell me about it."

He grinned. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. The doc says I'm going to be just fine."

"That's so great, Ellie. I was so worried…" He broke off, emotion overwhelming him.

"I know. Thanks for bursting in when you did. How did you know?"

"Henderson," he explained. "Pat and the others caught him by the golf cabin."

"Thank goodness you came in when you did."

He choked out an apology. "Ellie, I'm so sorry I left you there alone. I should have been there to protect you."

"You can't be with me constantly," she admonished gently. "Besides, you didn't know she was involved. Nobody did. She fooled us all."

"I should have worked it out."

"Hush," she said, her voice stronger now. "You saved me, that's all that counts."

There she was, gazing up at him like he was a rock star. His heart surged, and he gripped her hand tighter.