Page 70 of Honor Code

Pat grinned. "Sounds like a plan to me."

Phoenix inhaled, his giant chest rising. "Where's she going to say she's staying? Not here."

"Another suite," Pat said. "They have some chalets out by the golf course. She can say she's in one of those. They're relatively isolated, easy to get to unnoticed. Fewer security cameras."

Phoenix was nodding.

"I'll ask for one right now," Ellie said, standing up. "Then I'll make the call."

The sooner this was over, the better.

"Brave girl," she heard Pat say, as she walked away. Phoenix's reply was lost in the general chatter of the bar.

He wouldn't have said that if he'd seen her two weeks ago. She'd been a simpering wreck, too scared of her own shadow to do anything even remotely risky. Then Phoenix had dive-tackled his way into her life, and all that had changed. Now she felt empowered, like she was doing something proactive.

Hell, she was still terrified—that hadn't changed—but at least she was dealing with the fear now, not quaking in her boots, unable to breathe.

Ellie booked the chalet by the golf course then returned to the men. They were bent over the table, talking in low voices, their massive shoulders all huddled together. It was quite a sight.

"Ready?" Pat asked, looking up.

She nodded. "Ready."

"Okay, make the call."

Boomer handed her Suzi's number, and she used Pat's phone to call it.

Suzi answered almost immediately.

"Suzi, it's me, Ellie."

She listened while her friend screamed into the phone. "I thought you were dead. I've been trying to call you. Oh, my God, Ellie. What the hell happened?"

"I lost my phone," she began honestly. It had been left on the inflatable when it had sunk. "But I've been meaning to call to let you know I'm okay."

"Where have you been?"

"I managed to make it to a nearby island, and I was rescued from there this morning. I'm in a hotel in Corpus Christi now."

"Which one? I'll come and see you. Are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Honestly, there's no need to come. I'm actually calling to ask you a favor."


"I need to get hold of Henderson."

A pause came before Suzi spoke. "Henderson? Why would you want to get hold of him?"

"Well, he's still my boss," she said, as if that was obvious. "And I've got my reports and laptop with me with all my findings on them. They're Xonex's property. Now that the rig is… well, destroyed, I don't know what to do with them. I'm guessing we no longer have jobs."

Suzi let out a little sigh. "I can try and call him for you, but I don't know if he'll pick up. The company is getting a lot of heat right now."

"I understand." She glanced at Phoenix. "Well, if you could try him once more, I'd appreciate it. He can call me here at the hotel."

"Where are you staying?"

"At the Palmetto Sunset Hotel on the waterfront. I have a chalet by the golf course. I'll be here for a couple of days before I decide what to do."