Page 9 of Honor Code

Being a U.S. Navy SEAL took its toll, and they all had scars to show, but he missed the camaraderie of the unit. He and his team had been in some real hell holes together over the years, but the bonds they’d forged were deep and abiding. That’s why it hurt so goddamn much losing two of them.

He turned back to Ellie. “So what was the hurry this morning?”

She frowned, her forehead lining. “I analyzed the first few samples today, but they weren’t what I was expecting. I thought we might have gotten the coordinates wrong, so I was on my way to check the geographical survey maps. That’s when I bumped into you.”

“But they were accurate,” Suzi qualified, joining in.

Ellie nodded. “Yes, everything was correct, so it can’t be that.”

“What were you expecting?” Phoenix sensed there was more to this problem than Ellie was letting on. He’d become experienced at reading people during his time in the SEALs—lives depended on making the right judgement call—and he could tell something was bothering her.

“A different composition of elements, that’s all. Something more in-line with the satellite imaging that had been done.” She waved a hand in the air. “It’s not important. I’ll retest tomorrow. It’s probably just a problem with my samples.”

She was making light of it, but he didn’t push.

“Is your shift an all-nighter?” Suzi asked, and he got the feeling she was thinking about Boomer.

“2000 to 0800,” he replied, catching Ellie’s eye. Was she also thinking about their surprise meeting in the early hours of the morning?

What Ellie didn’t know was he’d seen her come back and finish her yoga routine on the helipad. Keeping to the shadows—he hadn’t wanted to interrupt her again—he’d watched as she’d worked through the various movements with a grace and fluidity he’d admired. Hell, he’d more than admired it. He couldn’t keep his damn eyes off it.

“Do you switch to days next week?” Suzi asked, obviously wondering if she’d be able to hang out with Boomer more often.

After an answering nod, he stood. “I’ve got to head off. I’m due on shift.”

“Have fun,” Suzi said, cheerfully. “Say hi to Boomer for me.”

“Will do.” Phoenix turned to Ellie, a half-smile on his face. “Can I expect to see you on the helipad at five tomorrow?”

She turned pink and glared at him. Just like that, the hellcat was back. “Don’t count on it.”

He chuckled. “Pity.”

She refused to look at him.

Smiling, and in a better mood than he had been in all day, he went back to his room to get kitted up.

“Okay, what’s going on between you two?” Suzi blurted out the moment Phoenix had left the cafeteria.

Ellie turned away. “Nothing. What made you ask that?”

“Just the friggin’ tension flying between you.” She shook her head. “I mean, come on!”

“I don't know what you’re talking about,” Ellie mumbled. “Maybe we should eat?”

“Hang on a moment.” Suzi’s eyes twinkled. “You’re not getting away that easy. What happened this morning? Come on, spill.”

“It was just a little misunderstanding. I was doing yoga on the helipad, and he thought I was an intruder.”

Suze gave a loud snort. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, he jumped me and pinned me down. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my ID on me, so he didn’t believe me when I told him who I was.”

She guffawed. “Ellie, how could you forget your ID?”

“I know. It was totally my fault. I had to take him to our room to get it. Only then did he let me go.”

Suzi giggled, a light airy sound.