Page 75 of Honor Code

"I'm sorry, Ellie," Suzi's voice was ice. "But I do. They'll take everything from me if I don't. My son… I can't let that happen. I won't."

Ellie stared at the syringe in Suzi's hand. It was half-full of a clear liquid. "You're going to inject me?"

"I'm finishing the job," Suzi said. "You're the last loose end. You and that good-looking boyfriend of yours. But don't worry, Henderson's taking care of him."

"It was Henderson who set the bomb, wasn't it? It was him I saw speeding away that day when I was returning from the Discoverer."

"Well deduced, my friend." Suzi took the cap off the syringe.

"Help!" Ellie shouted, scrambling for the door. "Somebody help me."

Suzi pushed her onto the floor. For a small woman, she was remarkably strong.

"Shut up," she spat. "No one’s coming. Your soldier bodyguard is on the other side of the complex."

Ellie gripped her wrist to prevent her from injecting her with whatever was in that syringe, but Suzi was too strong. The needle came closer. "Suzi, stop. This is madness."

"You shouldn't have asked for those satellite images," Suzi snarled. "You could have just done your stupid job, and none of this would have happened. But you had to poke your nose in, didn't you? You had to find out the truth, and now look where it's got you?"

With a final heave, Suzi jammed the needle into her arm.

Ellie screamed and tried to fight Suzi off, but it was no use. Suzi had pushed down on the syringe, and Ellie felt the needle pierce her skin.

Suddenly, the hotel room door burst open, and Phoenix charged in, his eyes blazing with a fury Ellie had never seen before. His face was contorted with rage, a vein pulsing in his temple as he took in the scene before him. "Get away from her!" he roared, his voice raw with emotion as he lunged at Suzi.

Suzi jumped back, startled by the sudden intrusion, and as she did so, Ellie managed to whip out the syringe—but it was too late. Some of the liquid had already entered her bloodstream, and she could feel it beginning to take effect.

Phoenix grabbed Suzi by the arms, his grip so tight it was sure to leave bruises. He slammed her against the wall with such force that the pictures hung nearby rattled on their hooks. "What did you do to her?" he demanded, his voice a low, menacing growl. Ellie had never seen him like this before, his usual calm demeanor completely shattered by the sight of her in danger. His eyes were wild, almost feral, as he glared at Suzi with a look that could only be described as murderous.

Suzi struggled against his grip, but Phoenix held her fast.

"Phoenix…" she murmured as her vision began to blur, and she felt her limbs growing heavy. She tried to finish her sentence, but her tongue wouldn't cooperate.

Phoenix threw Suzi against the wall so hard she crumpled into a heap on the floor. Then he rushed over to help her. "Ellie? Ellie, stay with me!"

But she couldn't. Her eyes were closing.

"What was in that syringe?" Phoenix demanded, turning back to the dazed Suzi. "What was it?"

His voice was so loud, echoing in Ellie’s head.

"You're going to tell me exactly what it was," Phoenix snarled, as Ellie fought the darkness creeping in from the edges of her vision. She could hear his voice, but it sounded distant, as if he were calling to her from underwater. She tried to fight the heaviness pulling her under, but it was too strong.

Just as she was about to slip away, she felt Phoenix's arms around her, lifting her from the bed. "Stay with me, Ellie," he pleaded, his voice breaking. "I can't lose you. Not now. Not like this."

He held her close as he carried her out of the room, shouting for someone to call an ambulance. Ellie forced her eyes open, struggling to focus on his face.

"Phoenix," she whispered.

"I'm here, Ellie. I'm not going anywhere. Just hold on, okay? Help is coming."

Ellie tried to nod, but it was too much effort. She just had to close her eyes, to sleep for a while. She was so tired.

"Ellie, stay with me," she heard Phoenix say, but she couldn't.

Not anymore.

With a sigh, she gave in to the darkness.