Maybe she should tell someone? Except whom? She didn’t know how high this went. Henderson might be involved, in which case she was putting herself at risk by going to him. Suzi didn’t want to be the whistleblower, especially since she depended on this job for her living.
They all did.
Ellie spent the rest of the day writing up her report. She knew once the investigation was launched, she'd have to back up her claim. That meant having irrefutable evidence, including double-checking her own data analysis, and referencing Ray's Stanford satellite images.
As she worked on her report, she couldn’t help but think about the potential fallout from this discovery. The oil exploration project was a large undertaking, involving numerous stakeholders, from investors to local authorities. If the project was derailed due to the incorrect geographical data, it could have far-reaching effects on everyone involved.
Plus, the investigation into the survey company could open up a Pandora's box of corporate malfeasance and corruption. If it was revealed that the company had deliberately provided false data, it would not only destroy their reputation but could also lead to criminal charges and a loss of trust in the entire industry.
She sighed, the weight of the responsibility heavy on her shoulders. Her report would be the catalyst for this investigation. She had to ensure her evidence was airtight and her analysis was beyond reproach. The future of the project, including her own career, depended on it.
As he had one night earlier, Phoenix stopped by Ellie's lab before he got ready to go on duty. As expected, she sat at her desk, but instead of working, she stared dolefully into space.
"That bad?" he asked, entering the lab.
She blew a stray hair out of her face. "You have no idea."
Phoenix took a seat opposite her and leaned back, stretching out his legs. "You got the new satellite images?"
With a nod, she told him what they'd discovered and the implications. It was bad. Really bad.
A dark suspicion grew in his gut. "This could be why you were targeted," he said quietly. "Someone was afraid of what you'd discover."
Her eyes widened, and he saw her catch her breath. "You really think so?" Her voice was a whisper.
"There is no doubt the railing was deliberately sabotaged. The crash brought everyone up on deck, and if it wasn't for Billy coming to help you, you'd have been hit by the mystery object and washed out to sea."
She was weaker than Billy, probably not as strong a swimmer. She may not have made it before he'd gotten to her. Phoenix went cold at the thought. The more he considered it, the more he knew he was right. Someone was out to kill Ellie—and this was the reason why. "Think of what's at stake here. Not only the project but people's careers, the company's reputation, and millions of dollars in investment."
She swallowed, and he could see her chest heaving as she tried to keep her breathing under control. Ellie stared at him, eyes wide, filled with a silent plea for help, to him to make it right.
If only he could.
"What should I do, Phoenix? I can't keep quiet about this."
"I agree." He was thinking hard. "Do you have enough data to prove the survey reports were false?"
"I think so, although it help if I had another way to verify the reports are false. Two sources are better than one.”
“Is there any other way you can check them?” he asked.
“Well, there is another exploratory rig operating in the eastern Gulf. I picked it up on the radar scanner yesterday. I guess I could pay them a visit and check our survey maps against theirs.”
He frowned. “Can’t you hop on a Zoom call?”
“I could, but they’re our direct competitors. I’m not sure they’d be open to sharing information unless I was actually there.”
She was right. With permits for the eastern Gulf rarer than gold dust and competition rife, it was unlikely they’d share information unless they thought it was beneficial to them. Still, he didn’t like the thought of her going alone. “Will they let you on the rig?”
“I won’t say who I am until I’m onboard.”
He hesitated. "I'll come with you. You can't take the inflatable out alone."
"Suzi offered to come with me," she said weakly, "but it would be great having you with us."
"Oh, crap." He dropped his head into his hands.