He gave a low masculine growl as her hands touched his chest, hot skin and crisp hair and hard muscle. Then he shifted, reaching down to jerk the buttons of his trousers open, shoving her thighs apart as he did so, pressing them wide, opening her up to him.

She was panting now, the pressure and the dragging ache between her legs becoming impossible to fight. The air around them was full of the sound of their panting breaths and then suddenly he was there, the long thick length of him pressing through the soft folds of her sex. Sliding into her so easily, so perfectly, just as she knew he would.

He was made for her. She felt it deep in her heart. In her soul.

She cried out as he settled inside her and arched up into him, the press of his body against hers, the weight of him on her so right. His fingers threaded through hers as he took her hands up and over her head, pressing them down to the carpet and holding them there. And he began to move, hard and deep, golden eyes staring down into hers as if transfixed.

There was fierce desire in them and also shock, as if he couldn’t believe they were actually doing this, and she felt the same shock echoing through her.

They were joined finally and at last, and the sensations were indescribable. So much heat and need. Relief and a burgeoning wonder at what was happening. At how good it was to be here together, after so many years.

She wanted to say his name but she couldn’t speak, the feelings becoming more and more intense with each passing moment. Her fingers tightened around his as she watched the pleasure glow in his eyes and knew he could see the same in hers. It was an endless feedback loop of ecstasy that only stoked the madness higher.

It didn’t last. It couldn’t. They’d held back for so long and she was only human.

The orgasm came crashing down on her with unstoppable force far too quickly and with far more power than she’d ever imagined, a wave of pleasure so intense that his name finally burst from her in a hoarse cry. Then he was moving faster and harder until he bent his head and covered her mouth again as it took him too.

Sebastián lay there, the silence broken only by their fractured breathing, for one long moment blissfully free of thought. Reality was the softness of the woman beneath him, the scent of sex and lavender in the air, and a physical contentment he couldn’t recall ever feeling.

Then reality crashed in on him.

This was Alice. His sister-in-law. And he’d lost control. Spectacularly. All his good intentions, everything he’d told himself about restraint and being cold, being distant, had gone out of the window the moment he’d seen her curled up in the chair. In that red silk dress that made her sexy enough to tempt an angel.

And an angel he was not.

All day, in the endless meetings he’d attended with his bankers and lawyers, securing Diego’s future, and setting in stone that this boy was his son and heir, when he should have been paying attention, he’d been thinking of Alice.

Thinking of that moment in the helicopter, when he’d known in an instant that she’d wanted him every bit as badly as he’d wanted her. But he’d decided that he would not act on it. Could not act on it. And every second of the day he’d told himself the same thing over and over, that desire was a bad thing, it led people down the wrong path. It hurt people. It made them mean and cruel and petty. It made them like his father, and he wouldn’t allow that to happen to himself. He was better than that.

He’d purposely stayed later than he’d needed to with his lawyers, just to make doubly sure of his control, and when he’d finally got back to the apartment, he’d been looking forward to settling in the library with a glass of good Scotch.

Except she’d been there, curled in the chair. Her hair loose over her shoulders, wearing a red silk dress that clung to every one of her delectable curves. She’d looked up from the book she’d been reading, and her dark eyes had met his and the moment from the helicopter had rushed back in on him.

Then she’d got to her feet, the fabric of the dress swirling around her, outlining lush breasts and generous hips, and all he’d been able to think about was how much he wanted to rip that dress from her body and finally get his hands all over her. How impossible it was maintaining such control over himself when she was right in front of him, and they were both finally free.

How he couldn’t bear it a second longer.

Every step he’d taken towards her had been a mistake, every action as he’d reached for her a grievous error. They’d built on each other, all those mistakes, until he’d been crushed by the weight of them and then nothing had mattered any more.

To slide his fingers through the silken glory of her hair and then feel the softness of her mouth open beneath his had been like finding water in the desert. Such a profound relief. Then having her body press against his... He’d never let himself fantasise about it but the feel of her had been better than anything he could have imagined.

He’d wanted to spend hours exploring her lush body, but there hadn’t been any time to spare. He’d been too desperate. And when he’d spread her thighs and finally slid inside her, becoming one with her, it had felt like coming home.

You have made a mistake. A terrible mistake.

He didn’t want the cold trickle of doubt to disturb his contentment, but it did all the same, the trickle becoming a flood.

He’d crossed the line he’d drawn for himself years ago, broken the private vow he’d made never to treat her as anything more than his sister-in-law. It didn’t matter that Emily had gone. It didn’t matter that she’d been unfaithful to him, and that they hadn’t shared a bed for over a year. It didn’t matter that she’d fallen in love with someone else.

He’d promised himself he would never do anything about Alice, and he’d broken that promise. Now all those years of denying himself meant nothing.

Desire was a terrible force. It had driven Sebastián’s mother into the affair that had eventually led to her having Sebastián and then dying. It had fuelled Mateo’s jealous rage at being betrayed, which he’d then taken out on Sebastián.

And Sebastián’s own desire to belong to someone had driven him to seek out the only man he’d ever felt a kinship with: Javier, who had managed the stables and who’d turned out to be Sebastian’s biological father—not that he’d known that at the time.

Desire caused nothing but pain and he’d tried so hard to keep his own in check, but he’d failed. And it was too late to pretend it hadn’t happened. Too late to go back and make a different choice.

You didn’t even remember a condom.