He was older now, with white at his temples, but the lines around his eyes and mouth were from laughter and joy. He smiled at her, then said something to Diego’s father-in-law, and started towards her.
At the same time as she started towards him.
They met in the middle of the courtyard and when he held out his hand, she took it.
‘Mi cielo,’ he murmured. ‘I think I’ve seen you somewhere before.’
‘Oh, I don’t think so,’ she said, pretending. ‘Are you sure?’
‘Oh, yes.’ He drew her close. ‘I’m sure. In another lifetime. Or maybe many other lifetimes.’
He was so familiar to her and yet every time he touched her, the same excitement flared. She looked up at him from beneath her lashes. ‘Perhaps we’ll see each other in future lifetimes too?’
His smile was the whole world. ‘We will. We have so much to look forward to.’
It wasn’t too much of a stretch to believe him.
Theirs was a love that had been written in the stars.
It always had been.
And it always would be.