Page 93 of His Tesoro

“Have you ever heard of rope?” He pinned me with his heated gaze.

“Like tying someone up?”

He nodded. “It’s something I enjoy and would like to share with you. I’ve done some research on how to modify it so it’s safe for you.”

“You want to tie me up?” I sounded breathless as I pressed my thighs together, growing wet just at the thought.

“I think you’ll enjoy it.” He ran his thumb across my lips and I parted them, taking his finger in my mouth and sucking on it. “Good girl,” he murmured. “So good for me.” He pulled his thumb out, running it along my lower lip.

“What do you like about it?” I asked.

“Mmm, many things. I like seeing my partners fall deeper into submission. Rope is about trust and communication and body language. It’s the interplay of pain and pleasure, of dominance and submission. It gives me a feeling of control that I crave.”

A spark of arousal shot through my stomach, but I also felt an uncomfortable, jealous feeling tighten my chest.

“What is it?” he asked, brow furrowed as he took in my scowl.

I stalled answering him, not wanting to sound petty and immature. He collared my throat, his hold on me pure dominance as he forced me to meet his gaze.

“I don’t like thinking of you with other women.” I spit out the words, trying to free myself from his hold. He wasn’t having it. He pinned my hands down, allowing no movement. A smile twisted his lips, adding to my outrage.

“Don’t laugh at me,” I snapped.

“Never,” he said, his expression sobering. “I was smiling because I like seeing you possessive over me.” His lips skimmed against my skin. “You have nothing to worry about, tesoro. None of those women meant anything to me. I didn’t have a connection with them beyond what we did in a scene. Playing with you would be completely different.”

“Why is that?” I asked, still a little grouchy.

“Because I care for you. Because watching you fall apart with pleasure is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Because I don’t want this to be a one-off scene. I want more with you. I need everything.”

I buried my face in his neck, needing a minute to take in his words. He stroked my hair in a soothing, patient rhythm.

“How would it work?” I finally asked.

“We’d start slow. Explore how your body responds, what you like and don’t like.”

“And if I don’t like it?”

“Then we don’t do it.”

“Does that mean…” I trailed off, not even wanting to speak the words aloud. He gripped my chin, raising a single eyebrow. I huffed. “If I don’t like it, will you go to the club and find other women to tie?”

Matteo’s expression darkened like thunder. “No, wife. I will not be finding other women.”

Even though his voice held stern censure, it eased the tightness in my chest. I chewed my lip. “What do you mean that you like being with someone submissive? I don’t know if I can do that, be that. I don’t want to be a doormat.”

A sound like a growl rumbled in Matteo’s throat. “You will never be a fucking doormat. You are my queen. Your submission is something you give freely, and have already given me. How does it feel when I train you in the office? When I’m controlling during sex?”

My cheeks burned. “It feels good, in a dirty way.”

Matteo nodded, no sign of judgement in his expression. “There you are, tesoro. You gift me your submission beautifully already. I crave control. You crave letting go.”

“Oh. I guess I thought submission was something different.”

“I might push you to your limits. I’m a dominant, commanding asshole. But you always have the power. If anything feels off and we need to pause, just tell me or say yellow. And if you get scared or hurt or want to stop for any reason, say red.”

I ran my fingers along his jaw and nodded. He shifted so he was straddling my hips without putting his weight on me.

“I don’t know how I got so lucky.” His gaze lingered on me, and it made me feel sexy, not self-conscious.