“Mmm, wait a second,” Sofiya said.
I pulled back, meeting her gaze. My heart lurched when I saw an edge of panic in her eyes.
“I need my wheelchair.” She glanced at the door. We’d left her wheelchair in the living room.
I brushed the hair out of her face, still amazed that my hands were capable of doing something so tender. “Why do you need it, tesoro?”
Sofiya blinked quickly and averted her gaze. No, we weren’t doing that. I gripped her chin firmly in my grasp. “Don’t hide from me,” I growled. “Tell me.”
“Please,” she said, her voice fragile. “Please, can you just bring it here?”
Her breaths were coming faster now, and I was worried she was on the verge of a panic attack.
“Okay. I’ll go get it. But then we’re going to talk.” I kissed her forehead and forced myself to get out of bed. I pushed her chair from the living room back to her. “Is this okay?” I asked, positioning it on her side of the bed.
She nodded, and the tension lining her face eased.
I got back in bed, unable to stop myself from running my hand down her stomach to her covered pussy. I cupped her heat, savoring her soft gasp.
“Now, my beautiful wife, talk to me.”
She bit her lip, her bright blue eyes looking so unsure. But I stayed still and silent, forcing myself to be patient for her sake.
“I’ve had sex once before,” she blurted out.
I gritted my teeth against the rage rushing through my veins like molten lava. Only my wife’s soft, perfect body underneath mine kept me from leaving to track down the fucker who had touched what belonged to me.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Her eyes glistened with tears.
I ran my nose down the side of her face, breathing in her sweet scent and forcing myself to be calm. I hated that I wouldn’t be the first one inside her, and I was determined to kill this fucking stronzo who had taken her virginity. But I wasn’t angry with her.
Never with her.
“I just wanted to feel normal for once,” she added.
I pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. “It’s alright, tesoro. Just tell me what happened.”
She chewed her lip, still looking like she was bracing herself. I ran my thumb over her lip, and she took a deep breath.
“Yuri was someone I’d known since I was young. He was over for a dinner party my parents were throwing—one of the last ones I was ever allowed to attend—and he asked me out on a date. I wasn’t really interested in him, but I thought he was nice and I just… I wanted a chance to get out of the house and not feel so trapped. We went to dinner and then he wanted to go to his friend’s house because they were having a party.” She took a shuddering breath. “The house was packed when we got there and everyone was drinking. I got a little overwhelmed by everything, so Yuri suggested we go upstairs where it was quieter.”
I kept my face pressed into her neck as my jaw clenched.
“I wanted to bring my rollator but he said it would be fine to leave it. He carried me upstairs.” There was a slight hitch in her voice, and I gathered her closer to my chest.
“When we got up there, he put me on the bed and it was obvious he wanted to have sex. I wasn’t sure about it, but I guess I mostly just felt lucky that he found me attractive at all.”
I couldn’t contain my growl. “What the fuck?” I cupped her face with both hands and looked at her intently. “You are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever set my eyes on.”
Sofiya blinked. “Really?”
“Tesoro mio, how could you even ask that?” My heart ached as I planted soft kisses down the side of her face. Sofiya had been hidden away for most of her life, so I shouldn’t be surprised that she didn’t know how breathtaking she was.
Her fingers curled in my hair, holding me close. “You wouldn’t prefer someone who wasn’t damaged?” Her voice was so soft, so fragile.
The muscles in my jaw clenched. I’d had similar thoughts about her when we first met, but I had been wrong. “Next time you say something negative about yourself like that, I’m going to spank your ass. You are fucking perfect.”
“Did you just threaten to spank me?” she breathed. I pulled back to take in her expression, worried I would see fear there, but all I saw was heat and intrigue.