Page 17 of His Tesoro

“We’ll schedule a doctor’s appointment to see what they say.” I was sure there was a treatment for her disease if only she saw the right person.

“Thank you. That’s… that’s really nice.”

My chest grew tight, and I busied myself by grabbing a few slices of pizza. “Eat your lunch. I have work to do.” I started towards the door but stopped when Sofiya called my name.

“Would you be able to get my wheelchair?” she asked.

I scrubbed my hand down my face, my irritation at myself growing. First, I’d made her think she was trapped in her room, and now I’d stranded her on the counter. Some fucking husband I was. This was why I couldn’t allow myself to get close to people. It left me unfocused, scattered.

I got her wheelchair, pushing it to the kitchen island. Then I lifted her off the counter and helped her get in.

“Do you need anything else?”

She shook her head. “You have to go?”


She nodded slowly. “I hope you have a good afternoon.”

Her sweet words followed me as I strode to the door and slammed it shut behind me.

Angelo gave me a nod as I got in the elevator to my office. I had work to do, an empire to oversee, and I couldn’t let anyone get in the way of that.



Iwas in the middle of my squat reps when the gym door crept open. Sofiya rolled into the room, looking nervous. I hadn’t seen her since I stormed out yesterday—she’d been in her room by the time I returned late in the night. This morning, she was wearing tight black leggings and a top so small it was closer to a bra. My heart rate sped up even as I set down my weights.

“Is it okay if I’m in here?” she asked. Her eyes crept down my bare chest before snapping back to my face, and I felt the inexplicable urge to lift something heavy.

I raised my chin in assent, and she gave me a little smile before going over to the dumbbell rack. I picked up my own fifty-pound weights as I watched her grab the never-before-used five-pound dumbbells. I kept an eye on her as I continued with my reps, the burning in my muscles forgotten as I tried to figure out what Sofiya was doing. She grasped the weights clumsily and started doing shoulder presses. I gritted my teeth at her shit form. She was going to hurt herself.

I dropped my weights again and stormed over. “What are you doing?”

Her lips parted as she tilted her head up to look at me. “Umm, lifting weights?” She looked so fucking adorable it made me irritated.

I crossed my arms. “You’re doing a terrible job.”

She blinked before averting her gaze. “I just want to strengthen my shoulders so I can push my chair easier.”

I let my eyes wander down her arms, taking in the expanse of smooth skin, before forcing myself to look at the wheelchair she was using. I hadn’t paid much attention to it before, too focused on the beautiful woman in it, but it was black and clunky. It looked too big and heavy for her.

“Is that the best wheelchair for you?” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

She froze and one of the dumbbells slipped from her hand, hitting the floor with a thud. I grabbed the other one before she dropped it and sat down on the weight bench so I wasn’t looming over her.

“Sofiya?” I arched my brow.

She twisted her hands together before glancing at me. “Well… I just… I did something really bad.”

My chest constricted. Was she going to admit to lying to me? Spying on me? The sound of two gunshots echoed through my mind.

“Tell me,” I demanded through clenched teeth.

She looked back down at her hands, her shoulders hunched. “About six months ago, walking started to get really hard for me. I was still using my rollator, but my legs were weak, and I was getting these dizzy spells when I stood up. I was in a lot of pain, and I kept falling and dislocating my knee. My father refused to allow me to get a wheelchair. He said I just needed to be stronger and try harder.”

My hands flexed.